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  Nearby early-type galaxies with ionized gas. I. (Rampazzo+, 2005)
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1.J/A+A/433/497/table9Fully corrected Line-strength indices for the apertures (336 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Galaxy (char) Galaxy designation (;meta.main)
  iz   [0/6] Indicates the aperture (table9) or the gradient (table10) code (Note G2)   (meta.code)
  r1  Relative aperture radius (lower limit) (pos.angDistance)
  r2  Relative aperture radius (upper limit) (pos.angDistance)
  rwl  Luminosity weighted radius (pos.angDistance)
  req arcsec Adopted equivalent radius (phys.angSize;src)
  CN1 mag Line-strength index of CN1 (phot.color)
  CN2 mag Line-strength index of CN2 (phot.color)
  Ca4227 0.1nm Line-strength index of Ca4227 (meta.code;spect.index)
  G4300 0.1nm Line-strength index of G4300 (meta.code;spect.index)

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 (i)indexed column
  Fe4383 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe4383 (meta.code;spect.index)
  Ca4455 0.1nm Line-strength index of Ca4455 (meta.code;spect.index)
  Fe4531 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe4531 (meta.code;spect.index)
  Fe4668 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe4668 (meta.code;spect.index)
  Hbeta 0.1nm Line-strength index of Hβ (spect.index;em.line.Hbeta)
  Fe5015 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe5015 (meta.code;spect.index)
  Mg1 mag Line-strength index of Mg1 (phot.color)
  Mg2 mag Line-strength index of Mg2 (phot.color)
  Mgb 0.1nm Line-strength index of Mgb (meta.code;spect.index)
  Fe5270 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe5270 (meta.code;spect.index)
  Fe5335 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe5335 (meta.code;spect.index)
  Fe5406 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe5406 (meta.code;spect.index)
  Fe5709 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe5709 (meta.code;spect.index)

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 (i)indexed column
  Fe5782 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe5782 (meta.code;spect.index)
  NaD 0.1nm Line-strength index of NaD (meta.code;spect.index)
  TiO1 mag Line-strength index of TiO1 (phot.color)
  TiO2 mag Line-strength index of TiO2 (phot.color)
  HdeltaA 0.1nm Line-strength index of HδA (spect.index)
  HgammaA 0.1nm Line-strength index of HγA (spect.index;em.line.Hgamma)
  HdeltaF 0.1nm Line-strength index of HδF (spect.index)
  HgammaF 0.1nm Line-strength index of HγF (spect.index;em.line.Hgamma)
  e_CN1 mag Error on Line-strength index of CN1 (stat.error)
  e_CN2 mag Error on Line-strength index of CN2 (stat.error)
  e_Ca4227 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Ca4227 (stat.error)
  e_G4300 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of G4300 (stat.error)
  e_Fe4383 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe4383 (stat.error)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  e_Ca4455 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Ca4455 (stat.error)
  e_Fe4531 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe4531 (stat.error)
  e_Fe4668 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe4668 (stat.error)
  e_Hbeta 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Hβ (stat.error;spect.line.intensity;em.line.Hbeta)
  e_Fe5015 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe5015 (stat.error)
  e_Mg1 mag Error on Line-strength index of Mg1 (stat.error)
  e_Mg2 mag Error on Line-strength index of Mg2 (stat.error)
  e_Mgb 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Mgb (stat.error)
  e_Fe5270 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe5270 (stat.error)
  e_Fe5335 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe5335 (stat.error)
  e_Fe5406 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe5406 (stat.error)
  e_Fe5709 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe5709 (stat.error)
  e_Fe5782 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe5782 (stat.error)
  e_NaD 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of NaD (stat.error)
  e_TiO1 mag Error on Line-strength index of TiO1 (stat.error)
  e_TiO2 mag Error on Line-strength index of TiO2 (stat.error)
  e_HdeltaA 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of HδA (stat.error)
  e_HgammaA 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of HγA (stat.error)
  e_HdeltaF 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of HδF (stat.error)
  e_HgammaF 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of HγF (stat.error)

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