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  Nearby early-type gal. with ionized gas. II. (Annibali+, 2006)
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1.J/A+A/445/79/table9*Gradients fully corrected line-strength indices (Note) (257 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Galaxy (char) Galaxy designation (;meta.main)
  iz   [0/6] Indicates the aperture (table8) or the gradient (table9) code (Note G2)   (meta.code)
  r2  Relative aperture radius (upper limit) (pos.angDistance)
  rwl  Luminosity weighted radius (pos.angDistance)
  req arcsec Adopted equivalent radius (phys.angSize;src)
  CN1 mag Line-strength index of CN1 (phot.color)
  CN2 mag Line-strength index of CN2 (phot.color)
  Ca4227 0.1nm Line-strength index of Ca4227 (meta.code;spect.index)
  G4300 0.1nm Line-strength index of G4300 (meta.code;spect.index)
  Fe4383 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe4383 (meta.code;spect.index)

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 (i)indexed column
  Ca4455 0.1nm Line-strength index of Ca4455 (meta.code;spect.index)
  Fe4531 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe4531 (meta.code;spect.index)
  Fe4668 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe4668 (meta.code;spect.index)
  Hbeta 0.1nm Line-strength index of Hbeta (spect.index;em.line.Hbeta)
  Fe5015 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe5015 (meta.code;spect.index)
  Mg1 mag Line-strength index of Mg1 (phot.color)
  Mg2 mag Line-strength index of Mg2 (phot.color)
  Mgb 0.1nm Line-strength index of Mgb (meta.code;spect.index)
  Fe5270 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe5270 (meta.code;spect.index)
  Fe5335 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe5335 (meta.code;spect.index)
  Fe5406 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe5406 (meta.code;spect.index)
  Fe5709 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe5709 (meta.code;spect.index)
  Fe5782 0.1nm Line-strength index of Fe5782 (meta.code;spect.index)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  NaD 0.1nm Line-strength index of NaD (meta.code;spect.index)
  TiO1 mag Line-strength index of TiO1 (phot.color)
  TiO2 mag Line-strength index of TiO2 (phot.color)
  HdeltaA 0.1nm Line-strength index of HdeltaA (spect.index)
  HgammaA 0.1nm Line-strength index of HgammaA (spect.index;em.line.Hgamma)
  HdeltaF 0.1nm Line-strength index of HdeltaF (spect.index)
  HgammaF 0.1nm Line-strength index of HgammaF (spect.index;em.line.Hgamma)
  e_CN1 mag Error on Line-strength index of CN1 (stat.error)
  e_CN2 mag Error on Line-strength index of CN2 (stat.error)
  e_Ca4227 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Ca4227 (stat.error)
  e_G4300 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of G4300 (stat.error)
  e_Fe4383 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe4383 (stat.error)
  e_Ca4455 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Ca4455 (stat.error)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  e_Fe4531 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe4531 (stat.error)
  e_Fe4668 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe4668 (stat.error)
  e_Hbeta 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Hbeta (stat.error;spect.line.intensity;em.line.Hbeta)
  e_Fe5015 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe5015 (stat.error)
  e_Mg1 mag Error on Line-strength index of Mg1 (stat.error)
  e_Mg2 mag Error on Line-strength index of Mg2 (stat.error)
  e_Mgb 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Mgb (stat.error)
  e_Fe5270 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe5270 (stat.error)
  e_Fe5335 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe5335 (stat.error)
  e_Fe5406 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe5406 (stat.error)
  e_Fe5709 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe5709 (stat.error)
  e_Fe5782 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of Fe5782 (stat.error)
  e_NaD 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of NaD (stat.error)
  e_TiO1 mag Error on Line-strength index of TiO1 (stat.error)
  e_TiO2 mag Error on Line-strength index of TiO2 (stat.error)
  e_HdeltaA 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of HdeltaA (stat.error)
  e_HgammaA 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of HgammaA (stat.error)
  e_HdeltaF 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of HdeltaF (stat.error)
  e_HgammaF 0.1nm Error on Line-strength index of HgammaF (stat.error)

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