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  STAGGER-grid of 3D stellar models. III. (Magic+, 2015)
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1.J/A+A/573/A89/tablea1Stellar parameters (204 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Teff K [3935/7053] Effective temperature (phys.temperature.effective)
  logg [cm/s2] [1.5/5] Surface gravity (phys.gravity)
  [Fe/H] [Sun] [-4/0.5] Metallicity (phys.abund.Z)
  lgrbot [dg/m3] [0.04/4.23] Logarithmic bottom density log(ρbot), in 10–7g/cm3 (phys.density)
  lgTbot [K] [0.49/4.27] Logarithmic bottom temperature log(Tbot) (phys.temperature)
  lgPbot [10+4Pa] [0.49/4.27] Logarithmic bottom thermodynamic pressure log(gPthbot), in 105dyne/cm2 (phys.pressure)
  sbot hJ/g/K [1.06/2.76] Entropy at the bottom sbot, in 109erg/g/K (stat.param)
  Ds hJ/g/K Entropy jump Δs, in 10+9erg/g/K (stat.param)
  dsrms % Maximal rms-entropy δsrmspeak (stat.param)
  drrms % Maximal rms-density δρrmspeak (stat.param)
  dVzrms km/s Maximal rms-velocity δVz,rmspeak (stat.param)
  a(sbot)   [0/2.4] Mixing length parameter αMLTsbot (stat.param)
  a(Ds)   [0/2.9] Mixing length parameter αMLTΔs (stat.param)
  am   [0/7.9] Mass mixing length αm (stat.param)
  W(Vz)/HP   [0/2.1] Correlation length W(Vz)/HP (stat.param)

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