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  Hot stars observed by XMM-Newton. II. (Naze+, 2018)
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1.J/A+A/619/A148/table3*Results of the spectral fitting (Note) (154 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Seq  Star index (
  SName (char) Simbad star name (;meta.main)
  OID  (n) ID of the X-ray observation (Note 1)   (
  NHism 10+22cm-2Fixed value of the interstellar hydrogen column density (Note 2)   (phys.columnDensity)
  NH 10+22cm-2Fitted intrinsic hydrogen column density (phys.columnDensity;meta.modelled)
  e_NH 10+22cm-2(n) Standard deviation of NH (Note 4)   (stat.error)
  n_NH (char) [f] f for fixed (meta.note)
  kT1 keV kT of the first thermal component (phys.temperature)
  e_kT1 keV Standard deviation of kT1 (Note 4)   (stat.error)
  Norm1 cm-5 Normalization of the first thermal component (

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_Norm1 cm-5 Standard deviation of Norm1 (Note 4)   (stat.error)
  kT2 keV (n) kT of the second thermal component (phys.temperature)
  e_kT2 keV (n) Standard deviation of kT2 (Note 4)   (stat.error)
  Norm2 cm-5 (n) Normalization of the second thermal component (
  e_Norm2 cm-5 (n) Standard deviation of Norm2 (Note 4)   (stat.error)
  kT3 keV (n) kT of the third thermal component (phys.temperature)
  e_kT3 keV (n) Standard deviation of kT3 (Note 4)   (stat.error)
  Norm3 cm-5 (n) Normalization of the third thermal component (
  e_Norm3 cm-5 (n) Standard deviation of Norm3 (Note 4)   (stat.error)
  Chi2  Chi2 of best fit (;meta.modelled)
  Dof  Degrees of freedom (
  FXTot mW/m2 Observed X-ray flux (0.5-10KeV) (in erg/s/cm2) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_FXTot mW/m2 Standard deviation of FXTot (Note 4)   (stat.error)
  LXTotIsm 10-7W X-ray luminosity (0.5-10keV) using FX corrected for NHism (in erg/s) (Note 2)   (phys.luminosity;em.X-ray)
  e_LXTotIsm 10-7W Standard deviation of LxTotIsm (2)(4) (Note 5)   (stat.error)
  logLX/Lbol  Log of Lx/Lbol luminosity ratio (phys.luminosity;arith.ratio)
  e_logLX/Lbol  Standard deviation of logLxLbol (4) (Note 5)   (stat.error)
  HR  Flux hardness ratio (FXhard/FXsoft) (Note 3)   (phot.flux;arith.ratio)
  e_HR  Standard deviation of HR (Note 4)   (stat.error)

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