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  Mid-J CO emission of Top100 clumps (Navarete+, 2019)
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1.J/A+A/622/A135/tablea5Extension of the CO(6-5) and the Herschel-PACS 70 micron emission towards the TOP100 clumps (99 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  ID   [1/99] ID of the TOP100 clump (
  CSC (char) CSC Name (AGALLLL.lll+BB.bbb) (;meta.main)
  COmax arcsec (n) Maximum elongation of the CO emission (phys.angSize.smajAxis)
  COmin arcsec (n) Minimum elongation of the CO emission (phys.angSize.sminAxis)
  COavg arcsec (n) Mean elongation of the CO emission (phys.angSize)
  COlin pc (n) Linear mean elongation of the CO emission (pos.distance)
  e_COlin pc (n) Error on the linear mean elongation of the CO emission (stat.error)
  70max arcsec (n) Maximum elongation of the FIR emission (phys.angSize.smajAxis)
  70min arcsec (n) Minimum elongation of the FIR emission (phys.angSize.sminAxis)
  70avg arcsec (n) Mean elongation of the FIR emission (phys.angSize)
  70lin pc (n) Linear mean elongation of the FIR emission (pos.distance)
  e_70lin pc (n) Error on the linear mean elongation of the FIR emission (stat.error)

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