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  Ultra-massive white dwarfs evolution models (Camisassa+, 2019)
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1.J/A+A/625/A87/129hrichEvolutionary track of our 1.29Msun H-rich model (831 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  logL [Lsun] Logarithm of the surface luminosity in solar units (phys.luminosity)
  logTeff K Logarithm of the effective temperature (phys.temperature.effective)
  logTc 10+6K Logarithm of the central temperature (million degree) (phys.temperature)
  logRoc [g/cm3] Logarithm of the central density (CGS units) (phys.density)
  Hc  Central hydrogen abundance (phys.abund.X)
  Hec  Central helium abundance (phys.abund.Y)
  Cons % Percentage of mass of the outer convective zone (phys.mass)
  Conc % Percentage of mass of the inner convective zone (phys.mass)
  log(edad) [Myr] Logarithm of the total age in million years counted from an arbitrary starting point (Note 1)   (time.age)
  M* Msun Stellar mass (in solar units) (phys.mass)
  dM/dt Msun/yr Mass loss (phys.mass.loss)
  log(Lnu) [Lsun] Logarithm of luminosity (in solar units) due to neutrino losses (phys.luminosity)
  logMHtot [Msun] (n) Logarithm of the hydrogen content in solar mass (phys.mass)
  n_logMHtot (char) [I] I for -Infinity (meta.note)
  logg [cm/s2] Logarithm of surface gravity (CGS units) (phys.gravity)
  Rad Rsun Stellar radius in solar units (phys.size.radius)
  LH 10-7W Energy released as latent heat during crystallization (CGS units) (phys.mol.formationHeat)
  SepFase 10-7W Energy released by phase separation during crystallization (CGS units) (pos.angDistance)

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