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Simple TargetList Of TargetsFast Xmatch with large catalogs or Simbad
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  JVLA Observations of Chandra Planck clusters (Osinga+, 2022)
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1.J/A+A/665/A71/tablec1(c)Polarised source catalogue (819 rows)
2.J/A+A/665/A71/tabled1(c)Full source catalogue (unpolarised) (6807 rows)
3.J/A+A/665/A71/tablee1(c)Cluster catalogue (124 rows)
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Column  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  (ALL)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
   (ALL)RAJ2000 deg (i) [] Source right ascension (J2000) (RA) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
   (ALL)DEJ2000 deg (i) Source declination (J2000) (DEC) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  (1+2)Maj arcsec Source major axis (Maj) (phys.angSize)
  (1+2)Min arcsec Source minor axis (Min) (phys.angSize;src)
  (1+2)PA deg [] Source position angle (PA) (pos.posAng)
  (1)PFExtDepol  (n) Best fit intrinsic polarisation fraction (PolFrac_ExtDepol) (phys.polarization)
  (1)e_PFExtDepol  (n) Lower error (PolFracErrNegExtDepol) (stat.error)
  (1)E_PFExtDepol  (n) Upper error (PolFracErrPosExtDepol) (stat.error;stat.max)
  (1)IAExtDepol rad (n) Best fit intrinsic polarisation angle (IntrAngl_ExtDepol) (phys.polarization)
  (1)e_IAExtDepol rad (n) Lower error (IntrAnglErrNegExtDepol) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (1)E_IAExtDepol rad (n) Upper error (IntrAnglErrPosExtDepol) (stat.error;stat.max)
  (1)RMExtDepol rad/m2 (n) Best fit RM (RM_ExtDepol) (phys.polarization.rotMeasure)
  (1)e_RMExtDepol rad/m2 (n) Lower error (RMErrNegExtDepol) (stat.error)
  (1)E_RMExtDepol rad/m2 (n) Upper error (RMErrPosExtDepol) (stat.error;stat.max)
  (1)sigRMExtDepol rad/m2 (n) Best fit depol (sigmaRM) (sigmaRM_ExtDepol) (phys.polarization.rotMeasure)
  (1)e_sigRMExtDepol rad/m2 (n) Lower error (sigmaRMErrNegExtDepol) (stat.error)
  (1)E_sigRMExtDepol rad/m2 (n) Upper error (sigmaRMErrPosExtDepol) (stat.error;stat.max)
  (1)I0ExtDepol mJy (n) Best fit I0 (I0ExtDepol) (;meta.modelled)
  (1)e_I0ExtDepol mJy (n) Lower error (I0ErrNeg_ExtDepol) (stat.error)
  (1)E_I0ExtDepol mJy (n) Upper error (I0ErrPos_ExtDepol) (stat.error;stat.max)
  (1)aExtDepol  (n) Best fit spectral index (a_ExtDepol) (spect.index)
  (1)e_aExtDepol  (n) Lower error (aErrNegExtDepol) (stat.error)
  (1)E_aExtDepol  (n) Upper error (aErrPosExtDepol) (stat.error;stat.max)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (1)chi2QU  (n) Chi2 value for QU fit (chi2_QU) (
  (1+2)bestz  (n) Best-estimate redshift (z) (bestz) (src.redshift)
  (1+2)e_bestz  (n) Error on best-estimate z (bestz_err) (stat.error)
  (1+2)r_bestz  (n) [0/4] Source of best estimate z (bestz_source) (Note 1)   (meta.ref;pos.frame)
  (1+2)rnorm  (n) Radius/R500 to cluster centre (rnorm) (phys.size.radius;arith.ratio)
  (1+2)thetap arcmin Radius to pointing centre (theta_p) (phys.angSize)
   (ALL)Cluster (char) Name of target cluster (Cluster) (
  (1+2)RAodeg deg (n) Best estimate optical host right ascension (J2000) (ra_opthost) (pos.eq.ra)
  (1+2)DEodeg deg (n) Best estimate host declination (J2000) (dec_opthost) (pos.eq.dec)
  (1+2)MultiFlag   [0/1] If Source is multicomponent (MultiCompFlag) (meta.code)
  (1)Flagged   [0/1] If Source was flagged (Flagged) (meta.code.error)
  (1+2)Note (char) Additional notes (Note) (meta.note)
  (2)Ftot mJy Source total flux from PyBDSF (Total_flux) (phot.flux.density;

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (2)e_Ftot mJy Error on total flux (ETotalflux) (stat.error)
  (2)Fpeak mJy/beam Source peak flux from PyBDSF (Peak_flux) (phot.flux.density;
  (2)e_Fpeak mJy/beam Error on peak flux (EPeakflux) (stat.error)
  (2)PFlim  (n) Upper limit on polfrac at 1.5 GHz (polfrac_uplim) (phys.polarization)
  (2)VisIns   [0/1] If Source was visually inspected (VisuallyInspected) (meta.code)
  (3)PSZ2 (char) Cluster name in PESZ catalogue (PSZ2 Name) (
  (3)Abell (char) Cluster name in Abell catalogue (Abell name) (
  (3)cz  (n) Cluster redshift (cz) (src.redshift;pos.heliocentric)
  (3)RApdeg deg Pointing right ascension (J2000) used on target (pRA) (pos.eq.ra)
  (3)DEpdeg deg Pointing declination (J2000) used on target (pDEC) (pos.eq.dec)
  (3)M500  (n) Cluster M500 (M500) (phys.mass)
  (3)R500  (n) Cluster R500 (R500) (phys.size.radius)
  (3)DS-CSB (char) Cluster dynamical state according to C_SB (DS_CSB) (meta.code)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (3)RadioHalo   [0/1] If the cluster has a radio halo (RadioHalo) (meta.code)
  (3)SimbadName (char) (n)Designation understandable by the Simbad data-base (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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