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  ZTF DR11 classification in ZTF/4MOST sky (Sanchez-Saez+, 2023)
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1.J/A+A/675/A195/lz-ztfrLabeled set (LS) for ZTF r-band model (936145 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  SourceId (char) ID from source catalog (source_id) (
  RASdeg deg Right ascension from source catalog (J2000) (source_ra) (pos.eq.ra)
  DESdeg deg Declination from source catalog (J2000) (source_dec) (pos.eq.dec)
  SperS (char) d Period from source catalog (source_period) (time.period)
  SClass (char) Class from source catalog (source_class) (meta.code.class)
  ClassALeRCE (char) Class for the ALeRCE broker taxonomy (Sanchez-Saez et al., 2021AJ....161..141S) (classALeRCE) (meta.code.class)
  SCat (char) Name of the source catalog (source_cat) (;meta.dataset)
  Sz  (n) Redshift from the source catalog (source_redshift) (src.redshift;pos.heliocentric)
  ClassDR11 (char) Class adopted in this work (class_DR11) (meta.code.class)
  ObjectId  ZTF DR11 Identification number (objectid) (;meta.main)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  RAJ2000 deg (i) Right ascension (J2000) (ra) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DEJ2000 deg (i) Declination (J2000) (dec) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  Nepochs  Number of good epochs (catflags=0) (nepochs) (meta.number)
  GLAT deg Galactic latitude (gal_b) (
  GLON deg Galactic Longitude (gal_l) (pos.galactic.lon)
  MHPSratio  (n) Ratio between the low and high frequency variances for the MHPS model (MHPS_ratio) (
  MHPSlow  (n) Low frequency variance for the MHPS model (MHPS_low) (em.freq;src.var)
  MHPShigh  (n) High frequency variance for the MHPS model (MHPS_high) (em.freq;src.var)
  SPMA mJy Amplitude of the SPM model (SPM_A) (src.var.amplitude;meta.modelled)
  SPMt0 d Cero time for the SPM model (SPM_t0) (time.epoch)
  SPMgamma d Plateau duration SPM model (SPM_gamma) (time.duration;meta.modelled)
  SPMbeta mJy/d Plateau slope SPM model (SPM_beta) (meta.cryptic)
  SPMtaurise d Rise time SPM model (SPMtaurise) (time.epoch)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  SPMtaufall d Decline time SPM model (SPMtaufall) (time.epoch)
  SPMchi  Reduced chi2 SPM model (SPM_chi) (
  SPMC mJy Baseline flux SPM model (SPM_C) (phot.flux.density)
  Amp mag Half of the difference between the median of the maximum 5% and of the minimum 5% magnitudes (Amplitude) (em.wl.central;stat.median)
  ADarling  Test of whether a sample of data comes from a population with a specific distribution (AndersonDarling) (
  AutocorLength  Lag value where the autocorrelation function becomes smaller than Eta_e (Autocor_length) (
  Beyond1Std  Percentage of points with photometric mag that lie beyond 1σ from the mean (Beyond1Std) (meta.number)
  Con  Number of three consecutive data points brighter/fainter than 2sigma of the light curve (Con) (meta.number)
  Etae  Ratio of the mean of the squares of successive mag differences to the variance of the light curve (Eta_e) (
  Gskew  Median-based measure of the skew (Gskew) (
  MaxSlope mag/d Maximum absolute magnitude slope between two consecutive observations (MaxSlope) (arith.grad;phys.magAbs;obs)
  Mean mag Average magnitude (Mean) (phot.mag;stat.mean)
  MeanVar  Ratio of the standard deviation to the mean magnitude (Meanvariance) (stat.stdev)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  MedianAbsDev mag Median discrepancy of the data from the median data (MedianAbsDev) (stat.stdev)
  MedianBRP  Fraction of photometric points within amplitude/10 of the median mag (MedianBRP) (meta.number)
  PairST  Fraction of increasing first differences minus fraction of decreasing first differences over the last 30 time-sorted mag measures (PairSlopeTrend) (
  PertAmp  Largest percentage difference between either max or min mag and median mag (PercentAmplitude) (meta.note)
  Q31 mag Difference between the 3rd and the 1st quartile of the light curve (Q31) (
  Rcs  Range of a cumulative sum (Rcs) (
  Skew  Skewness measure (Skew) (src.morph.param)
  SmallKur  Small sample kurtosis of the magnitudes (SmallKurtosis) (src.sample)
  Std mag Standard deviation of the light curve (Std) (stat.stdev;phot.mag)
  StetsonK  Robust kurtosis measure (StetsonK) (
  Pvar  Probability that the source is intrinsically variable (Pvar) (
  ExcessVar  Normalized measure of the intrinsic variability amplitude (ExcessVar) (src.var.amplitude)
  SFMLAmp mag rms magnitude difference of the SF, computed over a 1yr timescale (SFMLamplitude) (stat.stdev;phot.mag;arith.diff)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  SFMLgamma  Logarithmic gradient of the mean change in magnitude (SFMLgamma) (stat.mean)
  IARphi  Level of autocorrelation using a discrete-time representation of a DRW model (IAR_phi) (
  LinearTrend mag/d Slope of a linear fit to the light curve (LinearTrend) (arith.grad;pos.distance;
  GPDRWsigma mag2 Amplitude of the variability from DRW modeling (GPDRWsigma) (src.var.amplitude)
  GPDRWtau d (n) Relaxation time from DRW modeling (GPDRWtau) (time.epoch)
  Per d light curve period (Period) (time.period)
  PPE  Multiband Periodogram Pseudo Entropy (PPE) (phot.flux;meta.modelled)
  PowerR1/4  Ratio between the power of the periodogram obtained for the best period candidate (P) and P/4 (Powerrate1/4) (
  PowerR1/3  Ratio between the power of the periodogram obtained for the best period candidate (P) and P/3 (Powerrate1/3) (
  PowerR1/2  Ratio between the power of the periodogram obtained for the best period candidate (P) and P/2 (Powerrate1/2) (
  PowerR2  Ratio between the power of the periodogram obtained for the best period candidate (P) and 2*P (Powerrate2) (
  PowerR3  Ratio between the power of the periodogram obtained for the best period candidate (P) and 3*P (Powerrate3) (
  PowerR4  Ratio between the power of the periodogram obtained for the best period candidate (P) and 4*P (Powerrate4) (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  PsiCS  Range of a cumulative sum applied to the phase-folded light curve (Psi_CS) (
  Psieta  Eta_e index calculated from the folded light curve (Psi_eta) (
  Hmag1 mag Amplitude of the first component of the harmonic series (Harmonicsmag1) (phot.mag)
  Hmag2 mag Amplitude of the second component of the harmonic series (Harmonicsmag2) (phot.mag)
  Hmag3 mag Amplitude of the third component of the harmonic series (Harmonicsmag3) (phot.mag)
  Hmag4 mag Amplitude of the fourth component of the harmonic series (Harmonicsmag4) (phot.mag)
  Hmag5 mag Amplitude of the fifth component of the harmonic series (Harmonicsmag5) (phot.mag)
  Hmag6 mag Amplitude of the sixth component of the harmonic series (Harmonicsmag6) (phot.mag)
  Hmag7 mag Amplitude of the seventh component of the harmonic series (Harmonicsmag7) (phot.mag)
  HPhase2  Phase of the second component of the harmonic series (Harmonicsphase2) (time.phase)
  HPhase3  Phase of the third component of the harmonic series (Harmonicsphase3) (time.phase)
  HPhase4  Phase of the fourth component of the harmonic series (Harmonicsphase4) (time.phase)
  HPhase5  Phase of the fifth component of the harmonic series (Harmonicsphase5) (time.phase)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  HPhase6  Phase of the sixth component of the harmonic series (Harmonicsphase6) (time.phase)
  HPhase7  Phase of the seventh component of the harmonic series (Harmonicsphase7) (time.phase)
  Harmse  Mean square error of the harmonic series modelling (Harmonics_mse) (
  psScore  (n) PanSTARRS1 morphology score from Tachibana and Miller 2018 (ps_score) (
  g-r mag (n) PanSTARRS1 g-r color (gps1-rps1) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)
  r-i mag (n) PanSTARRS1 r-i color (rps1-ips1) (phot.color;em.opt.R;em.opt.I)
  g-W1 mag (n) PanSTARRS1 g - CatWISE W1 color (gps1-W1) (phot.color;em.opt;em.IR)
  g-W2 mag (n) PanSTARRS1 g - CatWISE W2 color (gps1-W2) (phot.color;em.opt;em.IR)
  r-W1 mag (n) PanSTARRS1 r - CatWISE W1 color (rps1-W1) (phot.color;em.opt;em.IR)
  r-W2 mag (n) PanSTARRS1 r - CatWISE W2 color (rps1-W2) (phot.color;em.opt;em.IR)
  i-W1 mag (n) PanSTARRS1 i - CatWISE W1 color (ips1-W1) (phot.color;em.opt;em.IR)
  i-W2 mag (n) PanSTARRS1 i - CatWISE W2 color (ips1-W2) (phot.color;em.opt;em.IR)
  W1-W2 mag (n) CatWISE W1 - W2 color (W1-W2) (phot.color;em.IR;em.IR)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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