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  Analysis of hot Jupiters in Kepler Q2 (Coughlin+, 2012)
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1.J/AJ/143/39/table1(c)Modeled systems and their host star properties (55 rows)
2.J/AJ/143/39/table2Modeling results: median values and associated 1σ uncertainties (180 rows)
3.J/AJ/143/39/table3Derived system parameters and associated 1σ uncertainties (360 rows)

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Column  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  (ALL)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
   (ALL)KOI  (i) [1.01/1543.01] Kepler Object of Interest (;meta.main)
  (1)KIC   [3351888/12019440] Kepler ID number (
  (1)Kpmag mag [9.958/15.979] KIC host stars' Kepler magnitude (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt)
  (1)Teff K KIC effective temperature of the star (phys.temperature.effective)
  (1)logg [cm/s2] KIC surface gravity (phys.gravity)
  (1)[Fe/H] [Sun] KIC metallicity (phys.abund.Z)
  (1)M1 Msun Stellar mass from KIC (Note 2)   (phys.mass)
  (1)E_M1 Msun Upper 1σ uncertainty on M1 (stat.error;stat.max)
  (1)e_M1 Msun Lower 1σ uncertainty on M1 (stat.error)
  (1)R1 Rsun Stellar radius from KIC (Note 2)   (phys.size.radius)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  (1)E_R1 Rsun Upper 1σ uncertainty on R1 (stat.error;stat.max)
  (1)e_R1 Rsun Lower 1σ uncertainty on R1 (stat.error)
  (1)M2 Msun Stellar mass from isochrones (Note 3)   (phys.mass)
  (1)E_M2 Msun Upper 1σ uncertainty on M2 (stat.error;stat.max)
  (1)e_M2 Msun Lower 1σ uncertainty on M2 (stat.error)
  (1)R2 Rsun Stellar radius from isochrones (Note 3)   (phys.size.radius)
  (1)E_R2 Rsun Upper 1σ uncertainty on R2 (stat.error;stat.max)
  (1)e_R2 Rsun Lower 1σ uncertainty on R2 (stat.error)
  (1)Simbad (char) ask the Simbad data-base about this object (meta.ref)
  (1)_RA deg (i) Positions from KIC catalog (Cat. V/133) (right ascension part) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  (1)_DE deg (i) Positions from KIC catalog (Cat. V/133) (declination part) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  (2+3)Type   [1/4] Model type (Note 1)   (;
  (2)J  Planet-to-star surface brightness ratio (;arith.ratio)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  (2)E_J  Upper 1σ uncertainty in J (stat.error;stat.max)
  (2)e_J  Lower 1σ uncertainty in J (stat.error)
  (2)rsum  Sum of the fractional radius (phys.size.radius;arith.ratio)
  (2)E_rsum  Upper 1σ uncertainty in rsum (stat.error;stat.max)
  (2)e_rsum  Lower 1σ uncertainty in rsum (stat.error)
  (2)k  Planet-to-star radii ratio (phys.size;arith.ratio)
  (2)E_k  Upper 1σ uncertainty in k (stat.error;stat.max)
  (2)e_k  Lower 1σ uncertainty in k (stat.error)
  (2)i deg Orbital inclination (src.orbital.inclination)
  (2)E_i deg Upper 1σ uncertainty in i (stat.error;stat.max)
  (2)e_i deg Lower 1σ uncertainty in i (stat.error)
  (2)ecosw  Eccentricity times cosine of longitude of periastron e.cosω (src.orbital.eccentricity)
  (2)E_ecosw  Upper 1σ uncertainty in ecosw (stat.error;stat.max)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  (2)e_ecosw  Lower 1σ uncertainty in ecosw (stat.error)
  (2)esinw  Eccentricity times sine of longitude of periastron e.sinω (src.orbital.eccentricity)
  (2)E_esinw  Upper 1σ uncertainty in esinw (stat.error;stat.max)
  (2)e_esinw  Lower 1σ uncertainty in esinw (stat.error)
  (2)P d Orbital period (time.period)
  (2)E_P d Upper 1σ uncertainty in P (stat.error;stat.max)
  (2)e_P d Lower 1σ uncertainty in P (stat.error)
  (2)T0 d Time of primary transit minimum; BJD-2450000 (time.epoch)
  (2)E_T0 d Upper 1σ uncertainty in T0 (stat.error;stat.max)
  (2)e_T0 d Lower 1σ uncertainty in T0 (stat.error)
  (2)ALp  Amplitude of planet's luminosity (phys.luminosity)
  (2)E_ALp  Upper 1σ uncertainty in ALp (stat.error;stat.max)
  (2)e_ALp  Lower 1σ uncertainty in ALp (stat.error)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  (2)chi2  Reduced χ2 of model (
  (3)Lr 10-6 Planet-to-star luminosity ratio in parts per million (phys.luminosity;arith.ratio)
  (3)E_Lr 10-6 Upper 1σ uncertainty in Lr (stat.error;stat.max)
  (3)e_Lr 10-6 Uncertainty in Lr (stat.error)
  (3)sig2  Detection significance of secondary eclipse (Note 3)   (stat.likelihood;obs)
  (3)T0 K Equilibrium temperature (phys.temperature)
  (3)E_T0 K Upper 1σ uncertainty in T0 (stat.error;stat.max)
  (3)e_T0 K Lower 1σ uncertainty in T0 (stat.error)
  (3)Teps0 K Maximum effective temperature, assuming no albedo or heat recirculation (T(ε=0)) (phys.temperature.effective;stat.max)
  (3)E_Teps0 K Upper 1σ uncertainty in Teps=0 (stat.error;stat.max)
  (3)e_Teps0 K Lower 1σ uncertainty in Teps=0 (stat.error)
  (3)Tb K Brightness temperature, assuming zero albedo (phys.temperature)
  (3)E_Tb K Upper 1σ uncertainty in Tb (stat.error;stat.max)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  (3)e_Tb K Lower 1σ uncertainty in Tb (stat.error)
  (3)Tb/T0  Brightness to equilibrium temperature ratio (phys.temperature)
  (3)E_Tb/T0  Upper 1σ uncertainty in Tb/T0 (stat.error;stat.max)
  (3)e_Tb/T0  Lower 1σ uncertainty in Tb/T0 (stat.error)
  (3)Rp Rjup Planetary radius; in Jupiter radii (phys.size.radius)
  (3)E_Rp Rjup Upper 1σ uncertainty in Rp (stat.error;stat.max)
  (3)e_Rp Rjup Lower 1σ uncertainty in Rp (stat.error)
  (3)a AU System semi-major axis (phys.size.smajAxis)
  (3)E_a AU Upper 1σ uncertainty in a (stat.error;stat.max)
  (3)e_a AU Lower 1σ uncertainty in a (stat.error)
  (3)Amax  Maximum possible geometric albedo (phys.albedo)
  (3)E_Amax  Upper 1σ uncertainty in Amax (stat.error;stat.max)
  (3)e_Amax  Lower 1σ uncertainty in Amax (stat.error)

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