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  Photographic catalog of wide visual double stars (Kiselev+, 2014)
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1.J/AZh/91/130/motionRelative positions and motions for 127 pair of stars (epoch of equinox: 2000.0) (table3) (127 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  n_WDS (char) [*] Binary flag (Note G1)   (meta.note)
  WDS (char) WDS catalog number (HHMMm+DDMM, J2000) (;meta.main)
  Comp (char) Components of the pair (meta.code.multip)
  Tm yr [1974/2001] Average moment of the series of observations (time.epoch)
  rhom arcsec [1/329] Separation ρ between components at the moment Tm (pos.angDistance;src.orbital)
  e_rhom arcsec Error of separation (stat.error)
  thetam deg [0/360] Positional angle θ (equinox: 2000.0) at the moment Tm (pos.posAng)
  e_thetam deg Error of Positional Angle (stat.error)
  rho1 arcsec/yrDerivative on time in separation dρ/dt (src.orbital)
  e_rho1 arcsec/yrError of rho1 (stat.error)

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  theta1 arcsec/yrDerivative on time in positional angle dθ/dt (src.orbital)
  e_theta1 arcsec/yrError of theta1 (stat.error)
  Mju arcsec/yrApparent relative motion at the moment Tm (phys.veloc;arith.diff)
  e_Mju arcsec/yrError of Mju (stat.error)
  psi deg/yr [0/360] Position angle ψ of the motion at the moment Tm (equinox: 2000.0) (pos.posAng)
  e_psi deg/yr Error of psi (stat.error)
  sig1r arcsec Error of one position (plate) in the radial direction (stat.error)
  sig1t arcsec Error of one position (plate) in the transversal direction (stat.error)
  Npl   [10/328] Number of observations (plates) (meta.number)
  Nm   [5/39] Number of seasons (meta.number)
  Note (char) [N] N indicates a note in notes.dat file (meta.code)
  Opt (char) [O] O: possibly, this pair is optical one (meta.code)

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