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  Stellar evolutionary models with 13-120Msun (Chieffi+, 2013)
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1.J/ApJ/764/21/table1*Main evolutionary properties of the rotating models (Note) (63 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Mini Msun [13/120] Initial mass (phys.mass)
  Phase (char) Evolutionary phase (H, He, C, Ne, O, Si, PSN) (;
  Time yr Lifetime on Phase (time.age)
  MCC Msun (n) [0/93] Mass size of the convective core (phys.mass)
  Teff [K] [3.5/5.4] log of average effective temperature (phys.temperature.effective;stat.mean)
  logL [Lsun] [4.5/6.3] log of average luminosity (phys.luminosity)
  Mass Msun [7.3/53] Total mass (phys.mass)
  MHe Msun [0/46] He core mass (phys.mass)
  MCO Msun [0/25] CO core mass (phys.mass)
  Hsup   [0/0.8] Surface abundance of H in mass fraction Hsup (phys.abund)
  Hesup   [0.2/1] Surface abundance of He in mass fraction Hesup (phys.abund)
  Nsup  Surface abundance of N in mass fraction Nsup (phys.abund)
  N/C  N/C surface ratio (phys.abund)
  N/O  N/O surface ratio (phys.abund)
  Veq km/s (n) [0.03/228] Equatorial velocity (only for table 1) (phys.veloc.rotat)
  Oms s-1 (n) Surface angular velocity ωsup (only for table 1) (phys.veloc.ang)
  O/Ocr  (n) [0.001/0.7] Ratio of the surface angular velocity to the critical angular velocity ω/ωc (only for table 1) (
  Jtot 10+53g.cm2/s(n) [0.01/0.7] Total angular momentum Jtot (only for table 1) (phys.angMomentum)

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