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  MIR-selected quasar parameters (Dai+, 2014)
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1.J/ApJ/791/113/table13aThe MIR-selected Quasar Catalog 3. Parameters (original column names in green) (391 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  ID (char) MMT or SDSS name (ID) (Note G1)   (
  CNCIV  (n) Power-law normalization for CIV continuum fit at 3000Å (CONTI_NORM_CIV) (
  e_CNCIV  (n) Uncertainty in Power-law normalization (CONTI_NORM_ERR_CIV) (stat.error)
  CSCIV  (n) Power-law slope alpha_CIV for the continuum fit (CONTI_SLOPE_CIV) (
  e_CSCIV  (n) Uncertainty in alpha_CIV (CONTI_SLOPE_ERR_CIV) (stat.error)
  CIV1Wave 0.1nm (n) Central wavelength of the dominant CIV component (CIV1_WAVE) (em.wl.central)
  CIV2Wave 0.1nm (n) Central wavelength of the second CIV component (CIV2_WAVE) (em.wl.central)
  CIV3Wave 0.1nm (n) Central wavelength of the third CIV component (CIV3_WAVE) (em.wl.central)
  CIVNWave 0.1nm (n) Central wavelength of the non-parametric CIV component (CIVNON_WAVE) (em.wl.central)
  CIV1sigma km/s (n) Line dispersion (sigma_l) of the dominant CIV component (CIV1_LINESIGMA) (phys.veloc.dispersion)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_CIV1sigma km/s (n) Uncertainty in sigma_l of the dominant CIV component (CIV1_LINESIGMA_ERR) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  CIV1FWHM km/s (n) Full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the dominant CIV (CIV1_FWHM) (spect.line.width)
  e_CIV1FWHM km/s (n) Uncertainty in the dominant CIV FWHM (CIV1_FWHM_ERR) (spect.line.width)
  CIV1Area  (n) Integrated line area of the dominant CIV (CIV1_LINEAREA) (phys.area)
  e_CIV1Area  (n) Uncertainty in the integrated line area of the dominant CIV (CIV1_LINEAREA_ERR) (phys.area)
  CIV1EW 0.1nm (n) Restframe equivalent width (EW) of the dominant CIV (CIV1_LINEEW) (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_CIV1EW 0.1nm (n) Uncertainty in EW of the dominant CIV (CIV1_LINEEW_ERR) (stat.error)
  CIV2sigma km/s (n) Line dispersion (sigma_l) of the secondary CIV component (CIV2_LINESIGMA) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  e_CIV2sigma km/s (n) []? Uncertainty in sigma_l of the secondary CIV component (CIV2_LINESIGMA_ERR) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  CIV2FWHM km/s (n) Full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the secondary CIV (CIV2_FWHM) (spect.line.width)
  e_CIV2FWHM km/s (n) []? Uncertainty in the secondary CIV FWHM (CIV2_FWHM_ERR) (spect.line.width)
  CIV2Area  (n) Integrated line area of the secondary CIV (CIV2_LINEAREA) (phys.area)
  e_CIV2Area  (n) []? Uncertainty in the integrated line area of the secondary CIV (CIV2_LINEAREA_ERR) (phys.area)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  CIV2EW 0.1nm (n) Restframe equivalent width (EW) of the secondary CIV (CIV2_LINEEW) (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_CIV2EW 0.1nm (n) []? Uncertainty in EW of the secondary CIV (CIV2_LINEEW_ERR) (stat.error)
  CIV3sigma km/s (n) Line dispersion (sigma_l) of the third CIV component (CIV3_LINESIGMA) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  e_CIV3sigma km/s (n) []? Uncertainty in sigma_l of the third CIV component (CIV3_LINESIGMA_ERR) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  CIV3FWHM km/s (n) Full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the third CIV (CIV3_FWHM) (spect.line.width)
  e_CIV3FWHM km/s (n) []? Uncertainty in the third CIV FWHM (CIV3_FWHM_ERR) (spect.line.width)
  CIV3Area  (n) Integrated line area of the third CIV (CIV3_LINEAREA) (phys.area)
  e_CIV3Area  (n) []? Uncertainty in the integrated line area of the third CIV (CIV3_LINEAREA_ERR) (phys.area)
  CIV3EW 0.1nm (n) Restframe equivalent width (EW) of the third CIV (CIV3_LINEEW) (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_CIV3EW 0.1nm (n) []? Uncertainty in EW of the third CIV (CIV3_LINEEW_ERR) (stat.error)
  CIVNFWHM km/s (n) Full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the non-parametric CIV (CIVNON_FWHM) (spect.line.width)
  e_CIVNFWHM km/s (n) []? Uncertainty in the non-parametric CIV FWHM (CIVNON_FWHM_ERR) (spect.line.width)
  CIVNArea km/s (n) Integrated line area of the non-parametric CIV (CIVNON_LINEAREA) (phys.area)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_CIVNArea km/s (n) Uncertainty in the integrated line area of the non-parametric CIV (CIVNON_LINEAREA_ERR) (phys.area)
  CIVNEW 0.1nm (n) Restframe equivalent width (EW) of the non-parametric CIV (CIVNON_LINEEW) (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_CIVNEW 0.1nm (n) Uncertainty in EW of the non-parametric CIV (CIVNON_LINEEW_ERR) (stat.error)
  rchi2-1CIV  (n) Reduced chi2 for the CIV continuum fit (REDCHI2_1_CIV) (
  rchi2-2CIV  (n) Reduced chi2 for the CIV emission line fit (REDCHI2_2_CIV) (
  stat-1CIV  (n) Status code for the CIV continuum fit (See IDL program "") (STATUS_1_CIV) (meta.code)
  stat-2CIV  (n) Status code for the CIV emission line fit (STATUS_2_CIV) (meta.code)
  NpixCIV  (n) Number of good pixels for the CIV emission line fitting region (1500-1600Å) (LINE_NPIX_CIV) (meta.number)
  MedSNCIV  (n) Median S/N per pixel for the CIV emission line fitting region (LINE_MED_SN_CIV) (stat.snr)
  CNMgII  (n) Power-law normalization for MgII continuum fit at 3000Å (CONTI_NORM_MGII) (
  e_CNMgII  (n) Uncertainty in Power-law normalization (CONTI_NORM_ERR_MGII) (stat.error)
  CSMgII  (n) Power-law slope alpha_MgII for the continuum fit (CONTI_SLOPE_MGII) (
  e_CSMgII  (n) Uncertainty in alpha_MgII (CONTI_SLOPE_ERR_MGII) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  FenormMgII  (n) Normalization of the FeII template (FE_NORM_MGII) (stat.param)
  e_FenormMgII  (n) Uncertainty in FeII normalization (FE_NORM_ERR_MGII) (stat.error)
  FeFWHMMgII  (n) FWHM of the FeII component for MgII continuum fit (FE_FWHM_MGII) (spect.line.width)
  e_FeFWHMMgII  (n) Uncertainty in FWHM_Fe (FE_FWHM_ERR_MGII) (spect.line.width)
  MgII1Wave 0.1nm (n) Central wavelength of the dominant MgII component (MGII1_WAVE) (em.wl.central)
  MgII2Wave 0.1nm (n) Central wavelength of the second MgII component (MGII2_WAVE) (em.wl.central)
  MgII3Wave 0.1nm (n) Central wavelength of the third MgII component (MGII3_WAVE) (em.wl.central)
  MgIInWave 0.1nm (n) Central wavelength of the narrow MgII component (MGIIN_WAVE) (em.wl.central)
  MgIINWave 0.1nm (n) Central wavelength of the non-parametric MgII component (MGIINON_WAVE) (em.wl.central)
  MgII1sigma km/s (n) Line dispersion (sigma_l) of the dominant MgII component (MGII1_LINESIGMA) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  e_MgII1sigma km/s (n) []? Uncertainty in sigma_l of the dominant MgII component (MGII1_LINESIGMA_ERR) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  MgII1FWHM km/s (n) Full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the dominant MgII (MGII1_FWHM) (spect.line.width)
  e_MgII1FWHM km/s (n) []? Uncertainty in the dominant MgII FWHM (MGII1_FWHM_ERR) (spect.line.width)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  MgII1Area  (n) Integrated line area of the dominant MgII (MGII1_LINEAREA) (phys.area)
  e_MgII1Area  (n) []? Uncertainty in the integrated line area of the dominant MgII (MGII1_LINEAREA_ERR) (phys.area)
  MgII1EW 0.1nm (n) Restframe equivalent width (EW) of the dominant MgII (MGII1_LINEEW) (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_MgII1EW 0.1nm (n) []? Uncertainty in EW of the dominant MgII (MGII1_LINEEW_ERR) (stat.error)
  MgII2sigma km/s (n) Line dispersion (sigma_l) of the secondary MgII component (MGII2_LINESIGMA) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  e_MgII2sigma km/s (n) []? Uncertainty in sigma_l of the secondary MgII component (MGII2_LINESIGMA_ERR) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  MgII2FWHM km/s (n) Full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the secondary MgII (MGII2_FWHM) (spect.line.width)
  e_MgII2FWHM km/s (n) []? Uncertainty in the secondary MgII FWHM (MGII2_FWHM_ERR) (spect.line.width)
  MgII2Area  (n) Integrated line area of the secondary MgII (MGII2_LINEAREA) (phys.area)
  e_MgII2Area  (n) []? Uncertainty in the integrated line area of the secondary MgII (MGII2_LINEAREA_ERR) (phys.area)
  MgII2EW  (n) Restframe equivalent width (EW) of the secondary MgII (MGII2_LINEEW) (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_MgII2EW  (n) []? Uncertainty in EW of the secondary MgII (MGII2_LINEEW_ERR) (stat.error)
  MgII3sigma km/s (n) Line dispersion (sigma_l) of the third MgII component (MGII3_LINESIGMA) (phys.veloc.dispersion)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_MgII3sigma km/s (n) []? Uncertainty in sigma_l of the third MgII component (MGII3_LINESIGMA_ERR) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  MgII3FWHM km/s (n) Full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the third MgII (MGII3_FWHM) (spect.line.width)
  e_MgII3FWHM km/s (n) []? Uncertainty in the third MgII FWHM (MGII3_FWHM_ERR) (spect.line.width)
  MgII3Area  (n) Integrated line area of the third MgII (MGII3_LINEAREA) (phys.area)
  e_MgII3Area  (n) []? Uncertainty in the integrated line area of the third MgII (MGII3_LINEAREA_ERR) (phys.area)
  MgII3EW 0.1nm (n) Restframe equivalent width (EW) of the third MgII (MGII3_LINEEW) (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_MgII3EW 0.1nm (n) []? Uncertainty in EW of the third MgII (MGII3_LINEEW_ERR) (stat.error)
  MgIINFWHM km/s (n) Full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the non-parametric MgII (MGIINON_FWHM) (spect.line.width)
  e_MgIINFWHM km/s (n) []? Uncertainty in the non-parametric MgII FWHM (MGIINON_FWHM_ERR) (spect.line.width)
  MgIINArea  (n) Integrated line area of the non-parametric MgII (MGIINON_LINEAREA) (phys.area)
  e_MgIINArea  (n) Uncertainty in the integrated line area of the non-parametric MgII (MGIINON_LINEAREA_ERR) (phys.area)
  MgIINEW 0.1nm (n) Restframe equivalent width (EW) of the non-parametric MgII (MGIINON_LINEEW) (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_MgIINEW 0.1nm (n) []? Uncertainty in EW of the non-parametric MgII (MGIINON_LINEEW_ERR) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  MgIINsigma km/s (n) Line dispersion (sigma_l) of the narrow MgII component (MGIIN_LINESIGMA) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  e_MgIINsigma km/s (n) []? Uncertainty in sigma_l of the narrow MgII component (MGIIN_LINESIGMA_ERR) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  MgIInFWHM km/s (n) Full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the narrow MgII (MGIIN_FWHM) (spect.line.width)
  e_MgIInFWHM km/s (n) Uncertainty in the narrow MgII FWHM (MGIIN_FWHM_ERR) (spect.line.width)
  MgIInArea  (n) Integrated line area of the narrow MgII (MGIIN_LINEAREA) (phys.area)
  e_MgIInArea  (n) Uncertainty in the integrated line area of the narrow MgII (MGIIN_LINEAREA_ERR) (phys.area)
  MgIInEW 0.1nm (n) Restframe equivalent width (EW) of the narrow MgII (MGIIN_LINEEW) (spect.line.eqWidth)
  e_MgIInEW 0.1nm (n) Uncertainty in EW of the narrow MgII (MGIIN_LINEEW_ERR) (stat.error)
  rchi2-1MgII  (n) Reduced chi2 for the MgII continuum fit (REDCHI2_1_MGII) (
  rchi2-2MgII  (n) Reduced chi2 for the MgII emission line fit (REDCHI2_2_MGII) (
  stat-1MgII  (n) Status code for the MgII continuum fit (See IDL program "") (STATUS_1_MGII) (meta.code)
  stat-2MgII  (n) Status code for the MgII emission line fit (STATUS_2_MGII) (meta.code)
  NpixMgII  (n) Number of good pixels for the MgII emission line fitting region (2700-2900Å) (LINE_NPIX_MGII) (meta.number)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  MedSNMgII  (n) Median S/N per pixel for the MgII emission line fitting region (LINE_MED_SN_MGII) (stat.snr)
  CNHbeta  (n) Power-law normalization for Hbeta continuum fit at 3000Å (CONTI_NORM_HBETA) (
  e_CNHbeta  (n) Uncertainty in Power-law normalization (CONTI_NORM_ERR_HBETA) (stat.error)
  CSHbeta  (n) Power-law slope alpha_Hbeta for the continuum fit (CONTI_SLOPE_HBETA) (
  e_CSHbeta  (n) Uncertainty in alpha_Hbeta (CONTI_SLOPE_ERR_HBETA) (stat.error)
  FenormHbeta  (n) Normalization of the FeII+[OIII] template (FE_NORM_HBETA) (stat.param)
  e_FenormHbeta  (n) Uncertainty in FeII+[OIII] normalization (FE_NORM_ERR_HBETA) (stat.error)
  FeFWHMHbeta  (n) FWHM of the FeII+[OIII] component for Hbeta continuum fit (FE_FWHM_HBETA) (spect.line.width)
  e_FeFWHMHbeta  (n) Uncertainty in FWHM_Fe (FE_FWHM_ERR_HBETA) (spect.line.width)
  Hbeta1Wave  (n) Central wavelength of the dominant Hbeta component (HBETA1_WAVE) (em.wl;spect.line)
  Hbeta2Wave  (n) Central wavelength of the second Hbeta component (HBETA2_WAVE) (em.wl.central)
  Hbeta3Wave  (n) Central wavelength of the third Hbeta component (HBETA3_WAVE) (em.wl;spect.line)
  HbetaNWave  (n) Central wavelength of the narrow Hbeta component (HBETAN_WAVE) (em.wl;spect.line)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  OIII4959Wave  (n) Central wavelength of the [OIII] lambda4959 component (OIII4959_WAVE) (em.wl.central)
  OIII5007Wave  (n) Central wavelength of the [OIII] lambda5007 component (OIII5007_WAVE) (em.wl.central)
  Hbeta1sigma  (n) Line dispersion (sigma_l) of the dominant Hbeta component (HBETA1_LINESIGMA) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  e_Hbeta1sigma  (n) Uncertainty in sigma_l of the dominant Hbeta component (HBETA1_LINESIGMA_ERR) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  Hbeta1FWHM  (n) Full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the dominant Hbeta (HBETA1_FWHM) (spect.line.width)
  e_Hbeta1FWHM  (n) Uncertainty in the dominant Hbeta FWHM (HBETA1_FWHM_ERR) (spect.line.width)
  Hbeta1Area  (n) Integrated line area of the dominant Hbeta (HBETA1_LINEAREA) (phys.area)
  e_Hbeta1Area  (n) Uncertainty in the integrated line area of the dominant Hbeta (HBETA1_LINEAREA_ERR) (phys.area)
  Hbeta1EW 0.1nm (n) Restframe equivalent width (EW) of the dominant Hbeta (HBETA1_LINEEW) (spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hbeta)
  e_Hbeta1EW 0.1nm (n) Uncertainty in EW of the dominant Hbeta (HBETA1_LINEEW_ERR) (stat.error)
  HbetaNsigma  (n) Line dispersion (sigma_l) of the secondary Hbeta component (HBETAN_LINESIGMA) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  e_HbetaNsigma  (n) Uncertainty in sigma_l of the secondary Hbeta component (HBETAN_LINESIGMA_ERR) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  HbetaNFWHM  (n) Full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the secondary Hbeta (HBETAN_FWHM) (spect.line.width)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_HbetaNFWHM  (n) Uncertainty in the secondary Hbeta FWHM (HBETAN_FWHM_ERR) (spect.line.width)
  HbetaNArea  (n) Integrated line area of the secondary Hbeta (HBETAN_LINEAREA) (phys.area)
  e_HbetaNArea  (n) Uncertainty in the integrated line area of the secondary Hbeta (HBETAN_LINEAREA_ERR) (phys.area)
  HbetaNEW 0.1nm (n) Restframe equivalent width (EW) of the secondary Hbeta (HBETAN_LINEEW) (spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hbeta)
  e_HbetaNEW 0.1nm (n) Uncertainty in EW of the secondary Hbeta (HBETAN_LINEEW_ERR) (stat.error)
  OIII4959sigma  (n) Line dispersion (sigma_l) of the third Hbeta component (OIII4959_LINESIGMA) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  e_OIII4959sigma  (n) Uncertainty in sigma_l of the third Hbeta component (OIII4959_LINESIGMA_ERR) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  OIII4959FWHM  (n) Full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the third Hbeta (OIII4959_FWHM) (spect.line.width)
  e_OIII4959FWHM  (n) Uncertainty in the third Hbeta FWHM (OIII4959_FWHM_ERR) (spect.line.width)
  OIII4959Area  (n) Integrated line area of the third Hbeta (OIII4959_LINEAREA) (phys.area)
  e_OIII4959Area  (n) Uncertainty in the integrated line area of the third Hbeta (OIII4959_LINEAREA_ERR) (phys.area)
  OIII4959EW 0.1nm (n) Restframe equivalent width (EW) of the third Hbeta (OIII4959_LINEEW) (spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hbeta)
  e_OIII4959EW 0.1nm (n) Uncertainty in EW of the third Hbeta (OIII4959_LINEEW_ERR) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  OIII5007sigma  (n) Line dispersion (sigma_l) of the narrow Hbeta component (OIII5007_LINESIGMA) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  e_OIII5007sigma  (n) Uncertainty in sigma_l of the narrow Hbeta component (OIII5007_LINESIGMA_ERR) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  OIII5007FWHM  (n) Full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the narrow Hbeta (OIII5007_FWHM) (spect.line.width)
  e_OIII5007FWHM  (n) Uncertainty in the narrow Hbeta FWHM (OIII5007_FWHM_ERR) (spect.line.width)
  OIII5007Area  (n) Integrated line area of the narrow Hbeta (OIII5007_LINEAREA) (phys.area)
  e_OIII5007Area  (n) Uncertainty in the integrated line area of the narrow Hbeta (OIII5007_LINEAREA_ERR) (phys.area)
  OIII5007EW 0.1nm (n) Restframe equivalent width (EW) of the narrow Hbeta (OIII5007_LINEEW) (spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Hbeta)
  e_OIII5007EW 0.1nm (n) Uncertainty in EW of the narrow Hbeta (OIII5007_LINEEW_ERR) (stat.error)
  OIII_RATIO  (n) Ratio of ([OIII] lambda5007/[O III] lambda4959) (OIII_RATIO) (phot.mag;em.line.OIII)
  Hbeta2sigma  (n) Line dispersion (sigma_l) of the [OIII] lambda4959 component (HBETA2_LINESIGMA) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  e_Hbeta2sigma  (n) Uncertainty in sigma_l of the [OIII] lambda4959 component (HBETA2_LINESIGMA_ERR) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  Hbeta2FWHM  (n) Full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the [OIII] lambda4959 (HBETA2_FWHM) (spect.line.width)
  e_Hbeta2FWHM  (n) Uncertainty in the [OIII] lambda4959 FWHM (HBETA2_FWHM_ERR) (spect.line.width)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Hbeta2Area  (n) Integrated line area of the [OIII] lambda4959 (HBETA2_LINEAREA) (phys.area)
  e_Hbeta2Area  (n) Uncertainty in the integrated line area of the [OIII] lambda4959 (HBETA2_LINEAREA_ERR) (phys.area)
  Hbeta2EW 0.1nm (n) Restframe equivalent width (EW) of the [OIII] lambda4959 HBETA2_LINEEW) (spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.OIII)
  e_Hbeta2EW 0.1nm (n) Uncertainty in EW of the [OIII] lambda4959 (HBETA2_LINEEW_ERR) (stat.error)
  Hbeta3sigma  (n) [0] Line dispersion (sigma_l) of the [OIII] lambda5007 component (HBETA3_LINESIGMA) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  e_Hbeta3sigma  (n) Uncertainty in sigma_l of the [OIII] lambda5007 component (HBETA3_LINESIGMA_ERR) (phys.veloc.dispersion)
  Hbeta3FWHM  (n) [0] Full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of the [OIII] lambda5007 (HBETA3_FWHM) (spect.line.width)
  e_Hbeta3FWHM  (n) Uncertainty in the [OIII] lambda5007 FWHM (HBETA3_FWHM_ERR) (spect.line.width)
  Hbeta3Area  (n) [0] Integrated line area of the [OIII] lambda5007 (HBETA3_LINEAREA) (phys.area)
  e_Hbeta3Area  (n) Uncertainty in the integrated line area of the [OIII] lambda5007 (HBETA3_LINEAREA_ERR) (phys.area)
  Hbeta3EW 0.1nm (n) [0] Restframe equivalent width (EW) of the [OIII] lambda5007 (HBETA3_LINEEW) (spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.OIII)
  e_Hbeta3EW 0.1nm (n) Uncertainty in EW of the [OIII] lambda5007 (HBETA3_LINEEW_ERR) (stat.error)
  rchi2-1Hbeta  (n) Reduced chi2 for the Hbeta continuum fit (REDCHI2_1_HBETA) (
  rchi2-2Hbeta  (n) Reduced chi2 for the Hbeta emission line fit (REDCHI2_2_HBETA) (
  stat-1Hbeta  (n) Status code for the Hbeta continuum fit (See IDL program "") (STATUS_1_HBETA) (meta.code)
  stat-2Hbeta  (n) Status code for the Hbeta emission line fit (STATUS_2_HBETA) (meta.code)
  NpixHbeta  (n) Number of good pixels for the Hbeta emission line fitting region (4700-5100Å) (LINE_NPIX_HBETA) (meta.number)
  MedSNHbeta  (n) Median S/N per pixel for the Hbeta emission line fitting region (LINE_MED_SN_HBETA) (stat.snr)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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