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  Binary AGNs from the VLA Stripe 82 survey (Fu+, 2015)
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1.J/ApJ/799/72/AGN(c)Grade A and B candidate binary radio AGNs (tables 1 and 2) (Note) (104 rows)
2.J/ApJ/799/72/table3*Properties of spectroscopically confirmed pairs (Note) (12 rows)

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Column  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  (ALL)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
   (ALL)Q (char) Grade of the candidate binary (See Note (3) of table 3) (meta.code.qual)
  (1)Sp (char) Display the spectroscopic data of this source in a confirmed pair (meta.ref.url)
   (ALL)RName (char) (i) Radio designation (; J2000) (;meta.main)
  (1)Pair (char) Display the data of the pair (meta.ref.url)
  (1)S1.4pk mJy [0.3/23.2] 1.4GHz peak flux density (in mJy/beam) (phot.flux.density;
  (1)e_S1.4pk mJy [0.05/0.8] S1.4pk uncertainty (stat.error)
  (1)S1.4int mJy [0.3/43.5] 1.4GHz integrated flux density (phot.flux.density;
  (1)OName (char) Optical designation of the counterpart (; J2000) (
  (1)Sep arcsec [1.6/6] Angular separation between the optical counterparts in the pair (pos.angDistance)
  (1)umag mag (n) [17.5/28.1] SDSS u-band Petrosian AB magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.U)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (1)gmag mag (n) [15.7/25.7] SDSS g-band Petrosian AB magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (1)rmag mag (n) [14.8/25.5] SDSS r-band Petrosian AB magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (1)imag mag (n) [14.2/25.5] SDSS i-band Petrosian AB magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  (1)zmag mag (n) [14/23.6] SDSS z-band Petrosian AB magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
   (ALL)z  (n) [0.04/1] Spectroscopic redshift (src.redshift)
   (ALL)Inst (char) Instrument used to obtained the spectroscopic redshift (SDSS, BOSS or LRIS) (instr.setup)
  (1)Sloan (char) Display the online SDSS data for the nearest object (meta.ref.url)
  (1)Simbad (char) ask the Simbad data-base about this object (meta.ref.url)
  (1)_RA deg (i) J2000 coordinate of the optical source (right ascension part) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  (1)_DE deg (i) J2000 coordinate of the optical source (declination part) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  (2)aSep arcsec [2.5/4.6] Angular separation between the optical counterparts in the pair (pos.angDistance)
  (2)pSep kpc [4.1/12] Projected separation in kiloparsecs (pos.distance)
  (2)DelV km/s [20.9/137] Radial velocity separation ΔV (phys.veloc;arith.diff)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (2)logP1.4 [W/Hz] [22/25] Logarithmic radio power computed from the integrated source flux density at 1.4GHz (phys.luminosity;;meta.modelled)
  (2)l_logLHa (char) Limit flag on logLHa (meta.code.error)
  (2)logLHa [10-7W] [39.4/42.4] Log Hα luminosity in erg/s; corrected for reddening and aperture-loss (phys.luminosity;em.line.Halpha)
  (2)EWHa 0.1nm [-3/51] Hα equivalent width in the observed frame in Å (spect.line.eqWidth;em.line.Halpha;obs.field)
  (2)e_EWHa 0.1nm [0.1/1.2] EWHa uncertainty (stat.error)
  (2)[NII]/Ha  (n) [0.5/1.7] [NII]λ6584/Hα line flux ratio (phot.flux;arith.ratio;spect.line)
  (2)e_[NII]/Ha  (n) [0.1/0.4] The 1σ error on [NII]/Ha (stat.error)
  (2)[OIII]/Hb  (n) [0.3/1.3] [OIII]λ5007/Hβ line flux ratio (phot.flux;em.line.OIII;arith.ratio)
  (2)e_[OIII]/Hb  (n) [0.1/0.7] The 1σ error on [OIII]/Hb (stat.error)
  (2)Rcl (char) "Excess" or "Normal" Radio classification (Note 2)   (src.class)
  (2)BPTcl (char) Classification based on the BPT line-ratio diagram in aW{_640x768}{}{Figure 6} (Note 3)   (src.class)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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