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  High-resolution GC abundances. II. (Colucci+, 2017)
Post annotation
1.J/ApJ/834/105/gcs(c)Observations and final results for the globular clusters (tables 1 and 6) (12 rows)
2.J/ApJ/834/105/table3Globular cluster (GC) Fe I equivalent-widths (EWs) (214 rows)
3.J/ApJ/834/105/table4Fe I synthesis abundances (106 rows)
4.J/ApJ/834/105/table5Synthesized Fe II abundances (21 rows)
5.J/ApJ/834/105/table9Individual line abundances (199 rows)

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Column  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  (ALL)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  (1)f_Name (char) [zn] Flag on Name (Note 1)   (meta.code)
  (1)Name (char) Globular cluster name (;meta.main)
  (1)RAJ2000 "h:m:s" (i) Hour of right ascension (J2000) (Note 2)   (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  (1)DEJ2000 "d:m:s" (i) Degree of declination (J2000) (Note 2)   (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  (1)muV mag/arcsecMilky Way central surface brightnesses in V from McLaughlin & van der Marel (2005, J/ApJS/161/304) (;em.opt.V)
  (1)f_muV (char) [a] a: from Harris (1991ARA&A..29..543H, 2010 revision) (meta.code)
  (1)Vmag mag [3.9/12.6] V-band magnitude (Note 2)   (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  (1)VMag mag [-9.7/-6.5] Total V-band absolute magnitude (MVtot) (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  (1)E(B-V) mag [0.04/1.1] Color excess (Note 2)   (phot.color.excess)
  (1)Rcore arcmin [0.04/3.2] Core radius (Note 2)   (phys.angSize)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  (1)Tel (char) Telescope (;
  (1)Area (char) Scan area (phys.area;instr)
  (1)Exp s [2700/25200] Exposure time (time.duration;obs.exposure)
  (1)S/N /pix [52/200] Signal-to-noise ratio in pixel–1 (stat.snr)
  (1)[FeI/H]   [-2.3/-0.3] mean abundance from FeI lines (phys.abund;stat.mean)
  (1)SigFeI   [0.1/0.3] Standard deviation σ (Note 1)   (stat.stdev)
  (1)s_[FeI/H]   [0.02/0.2] Uncertainty in abundance σA,FeI (Note 2)   (stat.error;phys.abund)
  (1)e_[FeI/H]   [0.03/0.2] Total uncertainty σFeI (Note 3)   (stat.error;phys.abund)
  (1)NFeI   [36/111] Number of FeI lines (meta.number)
  (1)[FeII/H]  (n) [-2.2/-0.2] mean abundance from FeII lines (phys.abund;stat.mean)
  (1)SigFeII  (n) [0.1/0.4] Standard deviation σ (Note 1)   (stat.stdev)
  (1)s_[FeII/H]  (n) [0.01/0.06] Uncertainty in abundance σA,FeII (Note 2)   (stat.error;phys.abund)
  (1)e_[FeII/H]  (n) [0.03/0.3] Total uncertainty σFeII (Note 3)   (stat.error;phys.abund)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (1)NFeII  (n) [1/15] Number of FeII lines (meta.number)
  (1)Age Gyr [8.5/14] Age (time.age)
  (1)e_Age Gyr [1/6] Age uncertainty (stat.error;time.age)
  (1)EWs (char) Display the equivalent width measurements for this globular cluster (meta.ref.url)
  (1)AFeI (char) Display 12+log(X/H) FeI Abundance for this globular cluster (meta.ref.url)
  (1)AFeII (char) Display the 12+log(X/H) FeII Abundance for this globular cluster (meta.ref.url)
  (1)A (char) Display the 12+log(X/H) Species Abundance for this globular cluster (meta.ref.url)
  (1)Simbad (char) ask the Simbad data-base about this object (meta.ref.url)
  (1)NED (char) ask the NED data-base about this object (meta.ref.url)
  (2+3+4+5)lambda 0.1nm [4114.4/7568.9] Wavelength; in Angstroms (Note 1)   (em.wl)
  (2+4+5)ExPot eV [0/5] Excitation potential (phys.atmol.excitation)
  (2+4+5)log(gf) [-] [-6.4/0.7] Log of the oscillator strength (phys.atmol.oscStrength)
  (2)EW3 10-13m (n) [25.6/143.2] Equivalent width of Fornax 3 (Note 2)   (spect.line.eqWidth)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (2)EW104 10-13m (n) [12/147.4] Equivalent width of NGC 104 (Note 2)   (spect.line.eqWidth)
  (2)EW2808 10-13m (n) [27.5/186.3] Equivalent width of NGC 2808 (Note 2)   (spect.line.eqWidth)
  (2)EW362 10-13m (n) [34.8/149.6] Equivalent width of NGC 362 (Note 2)   (spect.line.eqWidth)
  (2)EW6093 10-13m (n) [38.5/141.7] Equivalent width of NGC 6093 (Note 2)   (spect.line.eqWidth)
  (2)EW6397 10-13m (n) [14.9/116.6] Equivalent width of NGC 6397 (Note 2)   (spect.line.eqWidth)
  (2)EW6752 10-13m (n) [23/129.8] Equivalent width of NGC 6752 (Note 2)   (spect.line.eqWidth)
  (3+4+5)N6388 [-] (n) [6.6/7.5] 12+log(X/H) FeI Abundance for NGC 6388 (Note 1)   (phys.abund)
  (3+4+5)N6440 [-] (n) [6.6/7.5] 12+log(X/H) FeI Abundance for NGC 6440 (Note 1)   (phys.abund)
  (3+4+5)N6441 [-] (n) [6.4/7.4] 12+log(X/H) FeI Abundance for NGC 6441 (Note 1)   (phys.abund)
  (3+4+5)N6528 [-] (n) [6.6/7.6] 12+log(X/H) FeI Abundance for NGC 6528 (Note 1)   (phys.abund)
  (3+4+5)N6553 [-] (n) [6.6/7.5] 12+log(X/H) FeI Abundance for NGC 6553 (Note 1)   (phys.abund)
  (4+5)Species (char) Species (meta.note)
  (4+5)F3 [-] (n) [5.3/5.7] 12+log(X/H) FeII Abundance for Fornax 3 (Note 1)   (phys.abund)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (4+5)N104 [-] (n) [6.5/7.1] 12+log(X/H) FeII Abundance for NGC 104 (Note 1)   (phys.abund)
  (4+5)N2808 [-] (n) [6.4/7] 12+log(X/H) FeII Abundance for NGC 2808 (Note 1)   (phys.abund)
  (4+5)N362 [-] (n) [6/6.6] 12+log(X/H) FeII Abundance for NGC 362 (Note 1)   (phys.abund)
  (4+5)N6093 [-] (n) [5.4/6.1] 12+log(X/H) FeII Abundance for NGC 6093 (Note 1)   (phys.abund)
  (4+5)N6752 [-] (n) [5.6/6.2] 12+log(X/H) FeII Abundance for NGC 6752 (Note 1)   (phys.abund)
  (5)Sun [-] [0.4/7.7] 12+log(X/H) Species Abundance for the Sun (Note 1)   (phys.abund)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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