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  Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. II. (Finley+, 2018)
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1.J/ApJ/854/78/table4Input parameters and results from simulations with three magnetic components (32 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Case   [1/160] Case (
  Rdip   [0/1] Ratio, dipole to total field strength (phys.magField)
  Rquad   [0/1] Ratio, quadrupole to total field strength (phys.magField)
  Roct   [-0.9/1] Ratio, octupole to total field strength (phys.magField)
  va/vesc   [0.5/20] Ratio, Alfven speed to escape velocity (phys.veloc.escape;arith.ratio)
  Ra/R*   [2.7/28.1] Ratio, Alfven to stellar radius (phys.size.radius;arith.ratio)
  Upsilon   [4/549000] Wind magnetisation (Υ) (phys.magField)
  UpsilonOpen   [194/156000] Open flux wind magnetisation (phys.magField)
  v(Ra)Avg/vesc   [0.1/3.2] Average wind speed at the Alfven surface to escape velocity (phys.veloc.escape;arith.ratio)

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