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  Multiwavelength SED analysis of GOALS ULIRGs (Yamada+, 2023)
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1.J/ApJS/265/37/lumSummary of log AGN luminosities (Table A4) and extinction and polar dust sizes (Table A5) (51 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  ID (char) (i) Target identifier (;meta.main)
  Name (char) Object name (s) (
  f_Name (char) [d] Flag on Name (Note G1)   (meta.code)
  L6AGN [10-7W] [41/44.6] Log rest-frame 6um AGN (torus+polar) luminosity (phys.luminosity;em.IR.4-8um)
  L12t [10-7W] [41.9/45.2] Log rest-frame 12um torus luminosity (phys.luminosity;em.IR.8-15um)
  L12p [10-7W] (n) [41.9/45] Log rest-frame 12um polar luminosity (phys.luminosity;em.IR.8-15um)
  L12AGN [10-7W] [41.9/45.4] Log rest-frame 12um AGN (torus+polar) luminosity (phys.luminosity;em.IR.8-15um)
  L12nuc [10-7W] (n) [42.5/45.2] Log nuclear 12um luminosity (Note 1)   (phys.luminosity;em.IR.8-15um)
  LXun [10-7W] (n) [40.9/43.6] Log unabsorbed rest-frame 2-10keV AGN luminosity (phys.luminosity;em.X-ray)
  e_LXun [10-7W] (n) [0.01/0.5] Lower uncertainty in LXun (stat.error)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  E_LXun [10-7W] (n) [0.01/1.3] Upper uncertainty in LXun (stat.error;stat.max)
  L2keVun [10-7W] (n) [40.6/43.6] Log unabsorbed rest-frame 2keV AGN luminosity (phys.luminosity;em.X-ray)
  L2500d [10-7W] [41.5/44.8] Log rest-frame 2500Å band AGN disk luminosity (Note 2)   (phys.luminosity)
  alphaOX  (n) [-2.2/-0.8] X-ray to optical spectral index (Note 3)   (spect.index)
  f_NH (char) Flag on NH (Note 5)   (meta.code)
  NH 10+22/cm2(n) [0.01/1000] Line-of-sight hydrogen column density (Note 6)   (phys.columnDensity)
  e_NH 10+22/cm2(n) [0.1/644] Lower uncertainty in NH (stat.error)
  E_NH 10+22/cm2(n) [0.1/1660] Upper uncertainty in NH (stat.error;stat.max)
  AVt mag [0/992] Line-of-sight V band extinction due to torus (phys.absorption)
  e_AVt mag [0.1/293] Uncertainty in AVt (stat.error)
  AVp mag (n) [0/2.5] Line-of-shight V band extinction due to polar dust (phys.absorption)
  e_AVp mag (n) [0.1/1.1] Uncertainty in AVp (stat.error)
  logLt [10-7W] [41.9/45.3] Log torus UV-IR luminosity; erg/s (phys.luminosity)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_logLt [10-7W] [0.02/0.3] Uncertainty in logLt (stat.error)
  logLp [10-7W] (n) [43/45.3] Log polar dust UV-IR luminosity; erg/s (phys.luminosity)
  e_logLp [10-7W] (n) [0.02/0.3] Uncertainty in logLp (stat.error)
  logLAGN [10-7W] [42/45.5] Log AGN disk component UV-IR luminosity; erg/s (phys.luminosity)
  e_logLAGN [10-7W] [0.02/0.3] Uncertainty in logLAGN (stat.error)
  logMBH [Msun] (n) [6.7/8.7] Log SMBH mass (Note 7)   (phys.mass)
  logEdd  (n) [-4.5/-0.19] Log Eddington ratio (Note 8)   (phys.luminosity;arith.ratio)
  e_logEdd  (n) [0.02/0.3] Uncertainty in logEdd (stat.error)
  logRp [pc] (n) [1/3.1] Log polar dust radius (Note 9)   (phys.size.radius)
  e_logRp [pc] (n) [0.01/0.6] Uncertainty in logRp (stat.error)
  logRMIR [pc] (n) [1.7/2.6] Log polar dust radius from mid-IR band (Asmus 2019MNRAS.489.2177A) (phys.size.radius)
  logRio [pc] (n) [2.4/3.6] Log ionized outflow radius (Fluetsch+ 2021MNRAS.505.5753F) (phys.size.radius)
  logRmo [pc] (n) [2/3] Log molecular outflow radius (Fluetsch+ 2019MNRAS.483.4586F) (phys.size.radius)

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