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  M2FS & Hectochelle spectra of dSph in the MW halo (Walker+, 2023)
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1.J/ApJS/268/19/m2fsmedM2FS medium resolution catalog (from m2fsMedRescatalog_public.fits) (original column names in green) (1439 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Inst (char) Instrument used to acquire spectrum (instrument) (instr.setup)
  Target (char) Name of target system (target_system) (
  ObjID (char) Unique identifier for this observation (RAdECHJD) (obj_id) (;meta.main)
  TExp s (n) [671/16200] Exposure time (only for Hectochelle) (exptime) (time.duration;obs.exposure)
  Gaia  (n) Gaia DR3 source ID (gaia_source_id) (
  Gmag mag (n) [9/22.1] Gaia DR3 G band magnitude (gaia_gmag) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  BPmag mag (n) [9.7/23] Gaia DR3 BP magnitude (gaia_bpmag) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  RPmag mag (n) [8.5/23] Gaia DR3 RP magnitude (gaia_rpmag) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  e_Gmag mag (n) [1.3e-8/0.01] Uncertainty on Gmag (gaia_siggmag) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  e_BPmag mag (n) [1e-7/2] Uncertainty on BPmag (gaia_sigbpmag) (stat.error;phot.mag)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_RPmag mag (n) [1.8e-10/53] Uncertainty on RPmag (gaia_sigrpmag) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  Gmag0 mag (n) [9/22] Gaia dereddened G-band magnitude (gaia_gmag_dered) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  BPmag0 mag (n) [9.5/23] Gaia dereddened BP-band magnitude (gaia_bpmag_dered) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  RPmag0 mag (n) [8.4/23] Gaia dereddened RP-band magnitude (gaia_rpmag_dered) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  pmRA mas/yr (n) [-111/99] Gaia DR3 proper motion in RA (gaia_pmra) (;pos.eq.ra)
  pmDE mas/yr (n) [-124/109] Gaia DR3 proper motion in declination (gaia_pmdec) (;pos.eq.dec)
  e_pmRA mas/yr (n) [0.01/3.3] pmRA uncertainty (gaia_sigpmra) (stat.error;;pos.eq.ra)
  e_pmDE mas/yr (n) [0.008/3.3] pmDE uncertainty (gaia_sigpmdec) (stat.error;;pos.eq.dec)
  plx mas (n) [-8.1/20] Gaia DR3 parallax (gaia_parallax) (pos.parallax.trig)
  e_plx mas (n) [0.01/5] plx uncertainty (gaia_sigparallax) (stat.error;pos.parallax)
  RAJ2000 deg (i) [13.9/355.4] Right ascension (J2000) (ra) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DEJ2000 deg (i) [-79.5/77.5] Declination (J2000) (dec) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  r_Pos (char) Position reference (ra_dec_source) (meta.ref;pos.frame)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  HJD d Heliocentric Julian Date of spectroscopic observation (hjd) (time.epoch)
  S/N   [-11/1077] Median signal-to-noise ratio per pixel (sn_ratio) (stat.snr)
  Vlosraw km/s [-513/505] Mean of posterior PDF for VLOS (solar rest frame) without shift to APOGEE zero-point (vlos_raw) (phys.veloc)
  e_Vlosraw km/s [0.07/463] Vlosraw standard deviation, as sampled by MultiNest (vlos_raw_error) (stat.error)
  skVlosraw   [-112/141] Skewness of posterior PDF for VLOS (vlos_raw_skew) (
  ktVlosraw   [-2/20194] Kurtosis of posterior PDF for VLOS (vlos_raw_kurtosis) (
  Vlos km/s [-512/505] Vlosraw, shifted to APOGEE zero-point (vlos) (phys.veloc)
  e_Vlos km/s [0.3/479] Vlos and Vlos raw uncertainty after applying adjustment in Section 4.2 (vlos_error) (stat.error)
  Teffraw K [3907/7459] Mean of posterior PDF for Teff, without shift to APOGEE zero-point (teff_raw) (phys.temperature)
  e_Teffraw K [7/1299] Standard deviation of posterior PDF for Teff, as sampled by MultiNest (teff_raw_error) (stat.error)
  skTeffraw   [-6/22] Skewness of posterior PDF for Teff, as sampled by MultiNest (teff_raw_skew) (
  ktTeffraw   [-2/638] Kurtosis of posterior PDF for Teff, as sampled by MultiNest (teff_raw_kurtosis) (
  Teff K [4050/7680] Teffraw, shifted to APOGEE zero-point (teff) (phys.temperature)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_Teff K [8/1482] Error in teff_raw and teff, after applying adjustment in Section 4.2 (teff_error) (stat.error;phys.temperature.effective)
  loggraw [cm/s2] [0.02/5] Mean of posterior PDF for logg, without shift to APOGEE zero-point (logg_raw) (phys.gravity)
  e_loggraw [cm/s2] [0.02/2] Standard deviation of posterior PDF for logg, as sampled by MultiNest (logg_raw_error) (stat.error)
  skloggraw   [-8.5/15] Skewness of posterior PDF for logg, as sampled by MultiNest (logg_raw_skew) (
  ktloggraw   [-2/252] Kurtosis of posterior PDF for logg, as sampled by MultiNest (logg_raw_kurtosis) (
  logg [cm/s2] [0.5/5.5] Loggraw, shifted to APOGEE zero-point (logg) (phys.gravity)
  e_logg [cm/s2] [0.02/2.1] Error in loggraw and logg, after applying adjustment in Section 4.2 (logg_error) (stat.error)
  FeHraw [-] [-4/0.5] Mean of posterior PDF for [Fe/H] without shift to APOGEE zero-point (feh_raw) (phys.abund.Fe)
  e_FeHraw [-] [0.009/2] Standard deviation of posterior PDF for [Fe/H], as sampled by MultiNest (feh_raw_error) (stat.error)
  skFeHraw   [-13/12.3] Skewness of posterior PDF for [Fe/H], as sampled by MultiNest (feh_raw_skew) (
  ktFeHraw   [-2/252] Kurtosis of posterior PDF for [Fe/H], as sampled by MultiNest (feh_raw_kurtosis) (
  [Fe/H] [-] [-3.8/0.7] Fehraw, shifted to APOGEE zero-point (feh) (phys.abund.Fe)
  e_[Fe/H] [-] [0.01/2] Error in fehraw and feh, after applying adjustment in Section 4.2 (feh_error) (stat.error;phys.abund.Fe)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  MgFeraw [-] [-0.8/1] Mean of posterior PDF for [Mg/Fe] without shift to APOGEE zero-point (mgfe_raw) (phys.abund)
  e_MgFeraw [-] [0.009/0.7] Standard deviation of posterior PDF for [Mg/Fe], as sampled by MultiNest (mgfe_raw_error) (stat.error)
  skMgFeraw   [-9.1/9.3] Skewness of posterior PDF for [Mg/Fe], as sampled by MultiNest (mgfe_raw_skew) (
  ktMgFeraw   [-2/231] Kurtosis of posterior PDF for [Mg/Fe], as sampled by MultiNest (mgfe_raw_kurtosis) (
  [Mg/Fe] [-] [-1/1] Mgferaw, shifted to APOGEE zero-point (mgfe) (phys.abund)
  e_[Mg/Fe] [-] [0.01/0.8] Error in mgferaw and mgfe, after applying adjustment in Section 4.2 (mgfe_error) (stat.error;phys.abund)
  smoothRaw 0.1nm [0.06/0.4] Bandwidth σLSF (Angstroms), of Gaussian smoothing kernel applied to template spectra (smooth_raw) (instr.bandwidth)
  e_smoothRaw 0.1nm [0.0003/0.07] Standard deviation of posterior PDF for σLSF, as sampled by MultiNest (smooth_raw_error) (stat.error)
  sksmoothRaw   [-4.5/12] Skewness of posterior PDF for σLSF, as sampled by MultiNest (smooth_raw_skew) (
  ktsmoothRaw   [-2/310] Kurtosis of posterior PDF for σLSF, as sampled by MultiNest (smooth_raw_kurtosis) (
  MedSky e (n) [-13/1187] Median count of sky spectrum that was subtracted (median_sky) (instr.skyLevel)
  s_MedSky e (n) [0.01/49] Standard deviation of median_sky, over spectra acquired in same observation (standard_deviation_median_sky) (stat.stdev)
  Filt (char) [RV31 ,HiRes,MedRes] Filter used for observation (filter_name) (instr.setup;instr.filter)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Chi2  (n) [0.2/79782] χ2 for best-fitting model spectrum, using original variance spectrum (chi2) (
  Chi2r  (n) [0.07/247] χ2 for best-fitting model spectrum, using rescaled variance spectrum from Equation (15) (chi2_rescaled) (
  Npix   [0/2043] Number of (unmasked) pixels included in spectrum fit (npix) (meta.number)
  w5163 e (n) [-203/101081] Median (sky-subtracted) counts over spectral range 5160-5167Å (w5163) (phot.count)
  w5180 e (n) [-241/84592] Median (sky-subtracted) counts over spectral range 5176-5183Å (w5180) (phot.count)
  VhelioCorr km/s [-29.4/28.7] Heliocentric correction that was applied (added) to VLOS after spectrum model fitting (vhelio_correction) (phys.veloc;arith.diff)
  fits  Download the FITS file (meta.ref.url)
  FileName (char) Name of multiextension FITS file containing processed spectrum in subdirectory "fits" (fits_filename) (;meta.fits)
  Index   [0/239] Index containing the spectrum of this source (fits_index) (
  Obs   [1/15] (chronological) observation number for this source (obs) (Note 1)   (;obs)
  Nobs   [1/15] Total number of observations of this source (n_obs) (meta.number)
  Goodobs   [0/15] (chronological) observation number for this source, after quality-control filter (good_obs) (Note 1)   (;obs)
  goodNobs   [0/15] Total number of observations of this source, after quality-control filter (good_n_obs) (meta.number)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  VlosrawAvg km/s (n) [-498/505] (inverse-variance) weighted mean of vlos_raw (solar rest frame) over goodNobs observations (vlos_raw_mean) (phys.veloc)
  VlosAvg km/s (n) [-498/505] VlosrawAvg shifted to APOGEE zero-point (vlos_mean) (phys.veloc)
  e_VlosAvg km/s (n) [0.1/7] Error in VlosrawAvg and VlosAvg (vlos_mean_error) (stat.error)
  s_VlosAvg km/s (n) [0/203] (inverse-variance) weighted standard deviation of Vlos over goodNobs observations (vlos_mean_scatter) (stat.stdev;phys.atmol.wOscStrength;obs)
  TeffrawAvg K (n) [3907/7422] (inverse-variance) weighted mean of Teffraw over goodNobs observations (teff_raw_mean) (phys.temperature)
  TeffAvg K (n) [4052/7628] TeffrawAvg shifted to APOGEE zero-point (teff_mean) (phys.temperature)
  e_TeffAvg K (n) [6/1177] Error in TeffrawAvg and TeffAvg (teff_mean_error) (stat.error)
  s_TeffAvg K (n) [0/910] (inverse-variance) weighted standard deviation of Teff over goodNobs observations (teff_mean_scatter) (stat.stdev)
  loggrawAvg [cm/s2] (n) [0.03/5] (inverse-variance) weighted mean of loggraw over goodNobs observations (logg_raw_mean) (phys.gravity)
  loggAvg [cm/s2] (n) [0.5/5.5] LoggrawAvg shifted to APOGEE zero-point (logg_mean) (phys.gravity)
  e_loggAvg [cm/s2] (n) [0.02/2.1] Error in loggrawAvg and loggAvg (logg_mean_error) (stat.error)
  s_loggAvg [cm/s2] (n) [0/2] (inverse-variance) weighted standard deviation of logg over goodNobs observations (logg_mean_scatter) (stat.stdev;phys.atmol.wOscStrength;obs)
  FeHrawAvg [-] (n) [-4/0.5] (inverse-variance) weighted mean of feh_raw over goodNobs observations (feh_raw_mean) (phys.abund.Fe)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  FeHAvg [-] (n) [-3.8/0.7] FeHrawAvg shifted to APOGEE zero-point (feh_mean) (phys.abund.Fe)
  e_FeHAvg [-] (n) [0.01/2] Error in fehrawmean and feh_mean (feh_mean_error) (stat.error)
  s_FeHAvg [-] (n) [0/2] (inverse-variance) weighted standard deviation of [Fe/H] over goodNobs observations (feh_mean_scatter) (stat.stdev;phys.abund.Fe;obs)
  MgFerawAvg [-] (n) [-0.8/1] (inverse-variance) weighted mean of mgfeRaw over goodNobs observations (mgfe_raw_mean) (phys.abund)
  MgFeAvg [-] (n) [-1/1] MgferawAvg, shifted to APOGEE zero-point (mgfe_mean) (phys.abund)
  e_MgFeAvg [-] (n) [0.009/0.7] Error in mgferawmean and mgfe_mean (mgfe_mean_error) (stat.error)
  s_MgFeAvg [-] (n) [0/0.7] (inverse-variance) weighted standard deviation of [Mg/Fe] over goodNobs observations (mgfe_mean_scatter) (stat.stdev)
  Ncal  (n) [1/3] Number of ThArNe calibration frames used for wavelength calibration (only for M2FS) (n_wav_cal) (meta.number)
  TempMin degC (n) [8.6/20.4] Minimum temperature (°C) recorded at detector during science subexposures (only for M2FS) (temp_min) (phys.temperature)
  TempMax degC (n) [8.8/21.1] Maximum temperature (°C) recorded at detector during science subexposures (only for M2FS) (temp_max) (phys.temperature)
  f_cal  (n) [0/1] True if nwavcal=1 and tempmax–tempmin≥1°C (only for M2FS) (wav_cal_flag) (meta.code)
  f_Chi2   [0/1] True if chi2 is above the curve in the top panels of Figure 15 (chi2_flag) (meta.code)
  f_C   [0/1] True if flux ratio W5163/W5180 is below the curve in the bottom panels of Figure 15 (carbon_flag) (meta.code)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  f_Chi2any   [0/1] True if any observations contributing to mean have f_Chi2=True (any_chi2_flag) (meta.code)
  f_Cany   [0/1] True if any observations contributing to mean have f_C=True (any_carbon_flag) (meta.code)
  f_Vlosvar   [0/1] True if vlosmeanscatter≥3vlosmeanerror (vlos_variable_flag) (meta.code)
  f_Teffvar   [0/1] True if teffmeanscatter≥3teffmeanerror (teff_variable_flag) (meta.code)
  f_loggvar   [0/1] True if loggmeanscatter≥3loggmeanerror (logg_variable_flag) (meta.code)
  f_fehvar   [0/1] True if fehmeanscatter≥3fehmeanerror (feh_variable_flag) (meta.code)
  f_mgfevar   [0/1] True if mgfemeanscatter≫=3mgfemeanerror (mgfe_variable_flag) (meta.code)
  f_gaiavar (char) Gaia (DR3) photvariableflag (gaia_phot_variable_flag) (meta.code)
  RRL   [0/1] True if source is listed in Gaia DR3 variability RR Lyrae table (vari_rrlyrae) (gaia_rrl) (meta.code.class)
  AGN   [0/1] True if source is listed in Gaia DR3 variability AGN catalog (vari_agn) (gaia_agn) (meta.code.class)
  Simbad  ask the Simbad data-base about this object (meta.ref.url)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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