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  Gal. 2D phot. decompositions in r, g & i bands (Meert+, 2016)
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1.J/MNRAS/455/2440/nonparamrModel-independent measurements fitted by PyMorph in r band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  mag mag (n) [12.4/98] SExtractor magnitude (SexMag) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  e_mag mag (n) [-9999.99/99] mag error (SexMag_Err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  rh arcsec (n) [-3/51] SExtractor half-light radii (SexHrad) (phys.angSize;src)
  Sky mag/arcsec2(n) [19/23] SExtractor sky brightness (SexSky) (;obs.field)
  Nt   [0/4] The number of targets (num_targets) (;meta.main)
  Nn   [0/8] The number neighbour sources fitted with Ser profiles (always "0" for g- and i- bands) (num_neighborfit) (
  Rad arcsec (n) [1.8/238] The aperture radius used for colour measurements (always null for g-band) (AperRad) (phys.angSize;src)
  C  (n) [-2.8/7.2] The concentration (C) (meta.note)
  e_C  (n) [0.0001/4.2e+11] Concentration error (C_err) (stat.error)
  A  (n) [-5826/1.9] The asymmetry (A) (spect.line.asymmetry)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_A  (n) [0.001/5.7e+07] Asymmetry error (A_err) (stat.error)
  S  (n) [-7215/14175] The smoothness (S) (src.morph.param)
  e_S  (n) [0.001/1.2e+09] Smoothness error (S_err) (stat.error)
  G  (n) [0.2/0.9] The Gini coefficient (G) (meta.note)
  M20  (n) [-3.7/1.2] The M20 value (M20) (stat.param)
  Ext mag [0.006/1.5] The SDSS-provided galactic extinction (extinction) (
  DM mag [31/44] The calculated distance modulus (dismod) (phot.mag.distMod)
  Scale kpc/arcsec [0.1/8] The angular scale (kpc_per_arcsec) (instr.scale)
  Vmax Mpc3 [-1.8e+09/3e+10] The volume used for Vmax corrections (Vmax) (meta.bib.volume)
  SN  (n) [-1.2/1270] The average S/N per pixel inside the half-light radius (only for r-band) (SN) (stat.snr)
  kcorr mag (n) [-1.6/2.3] k-correction calculated using the SDSS model magnitudes (kcorr) (phot.mag;arith.diff)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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