
CfA VizieR . ADAC VizieR . Cambridge (UK) VizieR . IUCAA VizieR . INASAN VizieR .


Simple TargetList Of TargetsFast Xmatch with large catalogs or Simbad
Target Name (resolved by Sesame) or Position:
Target dimension:
NB: The epoch used for the query is the original epoch of the table(s)Radius Box size

  NCJM catalog of M dwarfs (Cook+, 2016)
Post annotation
1.J/MNRAS/457/2192/njcmstriCatalogue of M dwarfs (Strict cuts applied) (NJCMstrictcuts.fits) (36898 rows)

Query by Constraints constraints help applied on Columns (Output Order: + - )
ShowSortColumn  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  RAJ2000 deg (i) Wise right ascension (J2000) (ra_WISE) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DEJ2000 deg (i) Wise declination (J2000) (dec_WISE) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  RASdeg deg SDSS Right Ascension (J2000) (r-band) (ra_SDSS) (pos.eq.ra)
  DESdeg deg SDSS Declination (J2000) (r-band) (dec_SDSS) (pos.eq.dec)
  RAPdeg deg PPMXL Right Ascension J2000 (ra_ppmxl) (pos.eq.ra)
  DEPdeg deg PPMXL Declination J2000 (dec_ppmxl) (pos.eq.dec)
  DERdeg deg (n) NJC Declination used by Dust reddening idl code getdust (dec_Red) (pos.eq.dec)
  RARdeg deg (n) NJC Right Ascension used by Dust reddening idl code getdust (ra_Red) (pos.eq.ra)
  WISE (char) Unique WISE source designation (WISE_id) (;meta.main)
  2MKey  Closest associated 2MASS All-Sky Release PSC key in WISE (tmass_key) (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  SDSS  Unique SDSS identifier (SDSS_objID) (
  W2Sep arcsec NJC Distance between matched objects in 2MASS and WISE along a great circle (TWOMASS_Separation) (pos.angDistance)
  WSSep arcsec NJC Distance between matched objects in WISE and SDSS along a great circle (SDSS_Separation) (pos.angDistance)
  WPSep arcsec NJC Distance between matched objects in WISE and PPMXL along a great circle (PPMXL_Separation) (pos.angDistance)
  WRSep arcsec (n) NJC Distance between matched objects in Reddening Code and WISE along a great circle (Red_Separation) (pos.angDistance)
  LAM2? (char) NJC Target in dr2b (inLAMOSTdr2) (meta.code)
  LAMOST2 (char) Target Designation (designationLAMOSTdr2) (
  RAL2deg deg (n) Right Ascension (radr2LAMOST_dr2) (pos.eq.ra)
  DEL2deg deg (n) Declination (decdr2LAMOST_dr2) (pos.eq.dec)
  WL2Sep arcsec (n) NJC Separation between LAMOST dr2b and WISE (SeparationLAMOSTdr2b) (pos.angDistance)
  LAM3? (char) NJC Target in dr3a1 (inLAMOSTdr3a1_1) (meta.code)
  LAMOST3 (char) Target Designation (designationLAMOSTdr3a1) (
  RAL3deg deg (n) Right Ascension (raLAMOSTdr3a1) (pos.eq.ra)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  DEL3deg deg (n) Declination (decLAMOSTdr3a1) (pos.eq.dec)
  WL3Sep arcsec (n) NJC Separation between LAMOST dr3a1 and WISE (SeparationLAMOSTdr3a1) (pos.angDistance)
  West11? (char) NJC Boolean identifying membership to catalogue by West et al. (2011, Cat. J/AJ/141/97) (in_WEST11) (meta.code)
  West2011  (n) SDSS DR7 Object ID (from West et al., 2011, Cat. J/AJ/141/97) (ObjID_West2011) (
  RAWdeg deg (n) WEST2011 J2000 Right Ascension of SDSS photometric object (RA_West2011) (pos.eq.ra)
  DEWdeg deg (n) WEST2011 J2000 Declination of SDSS photometric object (Dec_West2011) (pos.eq.dec)
  pmRA arcsec/yrPPMXL Proper Motion in RA*cos(delta) (pmra) (;pos.eq.ra)
  pmDE arcsec/yrPPMXL Proper Motion in Dec (pmde) (;pos.eq.dec)
  e_pmRA arcsec/yrPPMXL Mean error in pmRA*cos(delta) (e_pmra) (stat.error;;pos.eq.ra)
  e_pmDE arcsec/yrPPMXL Mean error in pmDE (e_pmde) (stat.error;;pos.eq.dec)
  e_pm arcsec/yrNJC Estimated uncertainties on magnitude of proper motion (epm) (stat.error)
  pm arcsec/yrNJC Estimated magnitude of proper motion pm2 = pmra2 + pmde2 (pm) (
  umag mag SDSS better of DeV/Exp u magnitude fit (modelMag_u) (phot.mag;em.opt.U)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_umag mag SDSS Error in better of DeV/Exp u magnitude fit (modelMagErr_u) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.U)
  gmag mag SDSS better of DeV/Exp g magnitude fit (modelMag_g) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  e_gmag mag SDSS Error in better of DeV/Exp g magnitude fit (modelMagErr_g) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  rmag mag SDSS better of DeV/Exp r magnitude fit (modelMag_r) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  e_rmag mag SDSS Error in better of DeV/Exp r magnitude fit (modelMagErr_r) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  imag mag SDSS better of DeV/Exp i magnitude fit (modelMag_i) (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  e_imag mag SDSS Error in better of DeV/Exp i magnitude fit (modelMagErr_i) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  zmag mag SDSS better of DeV/Exp z magnitude fit (modelMag_z) (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  e_zmag mag SDSS Error in better of DeV/Exp z magnitude fit (modelMagErr_z) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  Vmag mag NJC Estimated V band magnitude from V(r,g) from Jordi et al., 2006A&A...460..339J (v) (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  e_Vmag mag NJC Estimated uncertainties in v band magnitude from v(r,g) from Jordi et al. 2006A&A...460..339J (ev) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  Jmag mag 2MASS J band selected "default" magnitude (j_m) (phot.mag;em.IR.J)
  e_Jmag mag 2MASS combined (total) J band photometric uncertainty (j_msigcom) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.J)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Hmag mag 2MASS H band selected "default" magnitude (h_m) (phot.mag;em.IR.H)
  e_Hmag mag 2MASS combined (total) H band photometric uncertainty (h_msigcom) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H)
  Kmag mag 2MASS K band selected "default" magnitude (k_m) (phot.mag;em.IR.K)
  e_Kmag mag 2MASS combined (total) K band photometric uncertainty (k_msigcom) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.K)
  W1mag mag WISE instrumental profile-fit photometry magnitude, band 1 (w1mpro) (phot.mag;em.IR.3-4um)
  e_W1mag mag WISE instrumental profile-fit photometry flux uncertainty in mag units, band 1 (w1sigmpro) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  W2mag mag WISE instrumental profile-fit photometry magnitude, band 2 (w2mpro) (phot.mag;em.IR.4-8um)
  e_W2mag mag WISE instrumental profile-fit photometry flux uncertainty in mag units, band 2 (w2sigmpro) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  W3mag mag (n) WISE Magnitude W3mag (w3) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.8-15um)
  e_W3mag mag (n) WISE Magnitude error e_W3mag (ew3) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  W4mag mag (n) WISE Magnitude W4mag (w4) (phot.flux.density;em.IR.15-30um)
  e_W4mag mag (n) WISE Magnitude error e_W4mag (ew4) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  HV mag NJC Estimate reduced proper motion HV=V+5log(pm)+5 (Hv) (phys.magAbs)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_HV mag NJC Estimated uncertainties on reduced proper motion (eHv) (stat.error)
  SSpL (char) NJC Spectral Type string from spt 0.0=M0.0 for use in CSEF program (StringSpt_Lepine) (src.spType)
  NSpL  NJC Spectral Type float as a function of V-J from Lepine et al. (2013, Cat. J/AJ/145/102) (NumSpt_Lepine) (src.spType)
  e_NSpL  NJC Estimated uncertainty in Spectral Type float as a function of V-J from Lepine et al. (2013, J/AJ/145/102) (eNumSpt_Lepine) (stat.error)
  SpTypeL3  (n) Spectral type from LAMOST dr2 (sptLAMOSTdr2) (src.spType)
  SpTypeL2  (n) Spectral type from LAMOST dr2 (sptLAMOSTdr3a1) (src.spType)
  OSpTypeL1  (n) [0/6] Optical Spectral type as measured by Jing for LAMOST dr1, excess run (Jingsptdr1_3) (src.spType)
  WSind  (n) NJC Weighted optical spectral type based LAMOST spectral indices (wav_sindices) (src.spType)
  e_WSind  (n) NJC uncertainty in Weighted optical spectral type based LAMOST spectral indices (ewav_sindices) (stat.error)
  SpTypeLw  (n) NJC Weighted optical spectral type based on all LAMOST spectral types (weightLAMOSTspt) (src.spType)
  e_SpTypeLw  (n) NJC uncertainty in Weighted optical spectral type based on all LAMOST spectral types (eweightLAMOSTspt) (stat.error)
  SpTypew  (n) NJC Weighted Spectral type (all spectral types) (wavallspts) (src.spType)
  e_SpTypew  (n) NJC uncertainty in Weighted Spectral type (all spectral types) (ewavallspts) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  RMAGrz mag NJC Bochanski et al. 2010AJ....139.2679B (Errtum 2012 table 1) Abs Mag fit to Mr=Mr(r-z), 0.5<r-z<4.53 (MR_rz) (phys.magAbs)
  Drz pc (n) NJC Distance from Mr=Mr(r-z) (D_rz) (pos.angDistance)
  RMAGiz mag NJC Bochanski et al. 2010AJ....139.2679B (Errtum 2012 table 1) Abs Mag fit to Mr=Mr(i-z), 0.32<i-z<1.85 (MR_iz) (phys.magAbs)
  Diz pc (n) NJC Distance from Mr=Mr(i-z) (D_iz) (pos.angDistance)
  RMAGri mag NJC Bochanski et al. 2010AJ....139.2679B (Errtum 2012 table 1) Abs Mag fit to Mr=Mr(r-i), 0.62<r-i<2.82 (MR_ri) (phys.magAbs)
  Dri pc (n) NJC Distance from Mr=Mr(r-i) (D_ri) (pos.angDistance)
  E(B-V) mag (n) NJC Extinction in B-V using Schlafly and Finkneiner (2011ApJ...737..103S) getdust closest ra dec (ebv_sfd) (phot.color.excess)
  AV mag (n) NJC Reddening in V using Schlafly and Finkneiner (2011ApJ...737..103S) getdust closest ra dec (av_sfd) (phys.absorption)
  e_E(B-V) mag (n) NJC Extinction in B-V using Schlafly and Finkneiner (2011ApJ...737..103S) getdust interpolated ra dec (ebvsfdinterp) (stat.error)
  AVint mag (n) NJC Reddening in V using Schlafly and Finkneiner (2011ApJ...737..103S) getdust interpolated (avsfdinterp) (phys.absorption)
  AVsand mag (n) NJC Reddening in V using Schlegel et al. (1998ApJ...500..525S) (av_sandf) (phys.absorption)
  e_AVsand mag (n) NJC Extinction in B-V using Schlegel et al. (1998ApJ...500..525S) (eav_sandf) (stat.error)
  W1SNR  WISE instrumental profile-fit photometry S/N ratio, band 1 (w1snr) (instr.precision;arith.ratio)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  W2SNR  WISE instrumental profile-fit photometry S/N ratio, band 2 (w2snr) (instr.precision;arith.ratio)
  W1sigp1  WISE standard deviation of population of profile-fit repeatability mag, band 1 (w1sigp1) (stat.stdev)
  W2sigp1  WISE standard deviation of population of profile-fit repeatability mag, band 2 (w2sigp1) (stat.stdev)
  na   [0,1] WISE active deblend flag (=1 if actively deblended) (na) (meta.code)
  nb   [1,4] WISE number of blend components used in each fit (nb) (meta.number)
  score   [0/1] SDSS score, quality of field (score) (meta.code.qual)
  SDSStype   [6] SDSS Type classification of the object (6=star) (SDSStype) (src.class)
  clean   [0,1] SDSS clean photometry flag (1=clean, 0=unclean) (clean) (meta.code)
  fPPMXL   [0,10] PPMXL flags (flags_ppmxl) (meta.code)
  CutpmAcc  NJC Proper motion Accuracy pm>4epm (Cut_pmAcc) (meta.code)
  CutJP  NJC Match between j_wise and j_ppmxl (consistency check ±0.5) (CutJmatchppmxl) (meta.code)
  Cutsco50  NJC score>0.5 (Cut_score50) (meta.code)
  CutHVCut  Reduced proper motion cut HV>2.2(V-J)+2.5 (Cut_HvCut) (meta.code)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Cutprox6  NJC 2MASS proximity cut prox≥6 (Cut_prox6) (meta.code)
  CutJW2  NJC Match between j_wise and j_2mass (consistency check ±0.02) (Cutjmatch2m) (meta.code)
  CutSsat  NJC Take out magnitudes brighter than g or r equal to 14 (CutSDSSsaturation) (meta.code)
  Cutnanb  NJC not flagged as na or nb (Cutnanb) (meta.code)
  Cutntext  NJC not flagged as ext_flg (Cutnotext) (meta.code)
  CutRCut1  NJC IDL dust_getvalue AV<0.22 (Cut_RedCut1) (meta.code)
  CutRCut2  NJC IDL dust_getvalue AV<0.120E(B-V)<0.03 (Cut_RedCut2) (meta.code)
  CutRCut3  NJC IDL dust_getvalue AV<0.080E(B-V)<0.02 (Cut_RedCut3) (meta.code)
  CutRCut4  NJC IDL dust_getvalue AV<0.040E(B-V)<0.01 (Cut_RedCut4) (meta.code)
  CutvarW1  NJC Object flagged as variable in W1 (Cutvarbw1) (Note G1)   (meta.code)
  CutvarW2  NJC Object flagged as variable in W2 (Cutvarbw2) (Note G2)   (meta.code)
  Cutflgs  NJC Combined flag cut: na_nb & not_ext & score50 & SDSS_saturation (Cut_flgs) (meta.code)
  Cutha  NJC Total with {ev,ej,eh,ek,ew1,ew2}<0.04 (Cut_highacc) (meta.code)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Cuthaf  NJC Cut_highacc + Cut_flg (Cuthighaccflg) (meta.code)
  Cuthafr1  NJC Cut_highacc + Cut_flg + Cut_RedCut1 (Cuthighaccflg_red1) (meta.code)
  Cuthafr2  NJC Cut_highacc + Cut_flg + Cut_RedCut2 (Cuthighaccflg_red2) (meta.code)
  Cuthafr3  NJC Cut_highacc + Cut_flg + Cut_RedCut3 (Cuthighaccflg_red3) (meta.code)
  Cuthafr4  NJC Cut_highacc + Cut_flg + Cut_RedCut4 (Cuthighaccflg_red4) (meta.code)
  Cuthafr1nv  Cuthighaccflgred1+Cutnot varbw1w2 NJC (Cuthighaccflgred1notvarb) (meta.code)
  Cuthhfr2nv  Cuthighaccflgred2+Cutnot varbw1w2 NJC (Cuthighaccflgred2notvarb) (meta.code)
  Cuthafr3nv  Cuthighaccflgred3+Cutnot varbw1w2 NJC (Cuthighaccflgred3notvarb) (meta.code)
  Cuthafr4nv  Cuthighaccflgred4+Cutnot varbw1w2 NJC (Cuthighaccflgred4notvarb) (meta.code)
  SFlag  SDSS bitwise number for SDSS flags (sdss_flags) (meta.code)
  FlagA  A SDSS PhotoFlags see SDSS3 PhotoFlags (sdssflagAEDGE) (meta.code)
  FlagB  B SDSS PhotoFlags see SDSS3 PhotoFlags (sdssflagBPEAKCENTER) (meta.code)
  FlagC  C SDSS PhotoFlags see SDSS3 PhotoFlags (sdssflagCNOTCHECKED) (meta.code)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  FlagD  D SDSS PhotoFlags see SDSS3 PhotoFlags (sdssflagDPSFFLUXINTERP) (meta.code)
  FlagE  E SDSS PhotoFlags see SDSS3 PhotoFlags (sdssflagESATURATED) (meta.code)
  FlagF  F SDSS PhotoFlags see SDSS3 PhotoFlags (sdssflagFDEBLEND_NOPEAK) (meta.code)
  CUTGP  Good SDSS Photometry abs(g,r,i,z)<50{eg,er,ei,ez}<0.04 (CUTGOODPHOT) (meta.code)
  CUTall  not A + not B + not C +not D + not E + not F SDSS PhotoFlags see SDSS3 PhotoFlags (CUTallflag_selected) (meta.code)
  Strictcut  NJC All strict cuts (Strictcutselection) (meta.code)
  CST2  NJC Source makes it through colour selection (Coloursampletype2) (Note 3)   (meta.code)
  iJW2c  NJC Inside the colour-similar volume by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] (insidejw2contour) (meta.code)
  meangr mag (n) NJC Mean in colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (mean_gr) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)
  stdgr mag (n) NJC Standard Deviation of colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (std_gr) (stat.error)
  exgr mag (n) NJC Colour excess compared to colour of colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (ex_gr) (phot.color.excess)
  e_exgr mag (n) NJC Uncertainty in Excess calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (eexgr) (stat.error)
  meangi mag (n) NJC Mean in colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (mean_gi) (phot.color)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  stdgi mag (n) NJC Standard Deviation of colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (std_gi) (stat.error)
  exgi mag (n) NJC Colour excess compared to colour of colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (ex_gi) (phot.color.excess)
  e_exgi mag (n) NJC Uncertainty in Excess calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (eexgi) (stat.error)
  meanri mag (n) NJC Mean in colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (mean_ri) (phot.color;em.opt.R;em.opt.I)
  stdri mag (n) NJC Standard Deviation of colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (std_ri) (stat.error)
  exri mag (n) NJC Colour excess compared to colour of colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (ex_ri) (phot.color.excess)
  e_exri mag (n) NJC Uncertainty in Excess calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (eexri) (stat.error)
  meanJW1 mag (n) NJC Mean in colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (mean_jw1) (phot.color;em.IR;em.IR)
  stdJW1 mag (n) NJC Standard Deviation of colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (std_jw1) (stat.error)
  exJW1 mag (n) NJC Colour excess compared to colour of colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (ex_jw1) (phot.color.excess)
  e_exJW1 mag (n) NJC Uncertainty in Excess calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (eexjw1) (stat.error)
  meanJW2 mag (n) NJC Mean in colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (mean_jw2) (phot.color;em.IR;em.IR)
  stdJW2 mag (n) NJC Standard Deviation of colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (std_jw2) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  exJW2 mag (n) NJC Colour excess compared to colour of colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (ex_jw2) (phot.color.excess)
  e_exJW2 mag (n) NJC Uncertainty in Excess calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (eexjw2) (stat.error)
  meanHW1 mag (n) NJC Mean in colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (mean_hw1) (phot.color;em.IR;em.IR)
  stdHW1 mag (n) NJC Standard Deviation of colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (std_hw1) (stat.error)
  exHW1 mag (n) NJC Colour excess compared to colour of colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (ex_hw1) (phot.color.excess)
  e_exHW1 mag (n) NJC Uncertainty in Excess calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (eexhw1) (stat.error)
  meanHW2 mag (n) NJC Mean in colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (mean_hw2) (phot.color;em.IR;em.IR)
  stdHW2 mag (n) NJC Standard Deviation of colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (std_hw2) (stat.error)
  exHW2 mag (n) NJC Colour excess compared to colour of colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (ex_hw2) (phot.color.excess)
  e_exHW2 mag (n) NJC Uncertainty in Excess calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (eexhw2) (stat.error)
  meanKW2 mag (n) NJC Mean in colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (mean_kw2) (phot.color;em.IR;em.IR)
  stdKW2 mag (n) NJC Standard Deviation of colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (std_kw2) (stat.error)
  exKW2 mag (n) NJC Colour excess compared to colour of colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (ex_kw2) (phot.color.excess)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_exKW2 mag (n) NJC Uncertainty in Excess calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (eexkw2) (stat.error)
  meanJH mag (n) NJC Mean in colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (mean_jh) (phot.color;em.IR;em.IR)
  stdJH mag (n) NJC Standard Deviation of colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (std_jh) (stat.error)
  exJH mag (n) NJC Colour excess compared to colour of colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (ex_jh) (phot.color.excess)
  e_exJH mag (n) NJC Uncertainty in Excess calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (eexjh) (stat.error)
  meanHK mag (n) NJC Mean in colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (mean_hk) (phot.color;em.IR;em.IR)
  stdHK mag (n) NJC Standard Deviation of colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (std_hk) (stat.error)
  exHK mag (n) NJC Colour excess compared to colour of colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (ex_hk) (phot.color.excess)
  e_exHK mag (n) NJC Uncertainty in Excess calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (eexhk) (stat.error)
  meanW1W2 mag (n) NJC Mean in colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (mean_w1w2) (phot.color;em.IR;em.IR)
  stdW1W2 mag (n) NJC Standard Deviation of colour in target colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (std_w1w2) (stat.error)
  exW1W2 mag (n) NJC Colour excess compared to colour of colour volume calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (ex_w1w2) (phot.color.excess)
  e_exW1W2 mag (n) NJC Uncertainty in Excess calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excss run 3 (eexw1w2) (stat.error)
  ExcCI3.0  NJC Excess candidate define as being inside Imp=3 contour Uncertainty in Excess calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excess run 3 [NJC] as being inside Imp=3 contour (ExcesscandImp_3.0) (meta.code)
  ExcCI4.0  NJC Excess candidate define as being inside Imp = 4 contour Uncertainty in Excess calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excess run 3 [NJC] as being inside Imp = 4 contour (ExcesscandImp_4.0) (meta.code)
  ExcCI5.0  NJC Excess candidate define as being inside Imp = 5 contour Uncertainty in Excess calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excess run 3 [NJC] as being inside Imp = 5 contour (ExcesscandImp_5.0) (meta.code)
  ExcCI6.0  NJC Excess candidate define as being inside Imp = 6 contour Uncertainty in Excess calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excess run 3 [NJC] as being inside Imp = 6 contour (ExcesscandImp_6.0) (meta.code)
  ExcCI7.0  NJC Excess candidate define as being inside Imp = 7 contour Uncertainty in Excess calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excess run 3 [NJC] as being inside Imp = 7 contour (ExcesscandImp_7.0) (meta.code)
  ExcCI8.0  NJC Excess candidate define as being inside Imp = 8 contour Uncertainty in Excess calculated by CSEFO for cs=[gr,gi,ri] Excess run 3 [NJC] as being inside Imp = 8 contour (ExcesscandImp_8.0) (meta.code)

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