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  HI 21-cm absorption survey of QSO-galaxy pairs (Dutta+, 2017)
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1.J/MNRAS/465/588/tableb1Details of the QGPs searched for HI 21-cm absorption in the literature that are included in this work (24 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  RName (char) Radio source name ( (
  zrad  (n) Redshift of radio source (src.redshift;pos.heliocentric)
  n_zrad (char) [p] Note on zrad, p for photometric redshift (meta.note)
  Type (char) [QGU] Type of radio source (Note G3)   (;
  Morph (char) [CR] Morphology of radio source at arcsecond-scale (Note G4)   (meta.note)
  Galaxy (char) Galaxy name ( (
  zgal  (n) Galaxy redshift (src.redshift;pos.heliocentric)
  g-r mag (n) Rest-frame SDSS g-r colour of galaxy (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)
  logM* [Msun] (n) log of stellar mass of galaxy from kcorrect (Blanton & Roweis, 2007AJ....133..734B) (phys.mass)
  logLB [Lsun] (n) log of B-band luminosity (phys.luminosity;em.opt.B)
  b kpc Projected separation or impact parameter between radio sightline and centre of galaxy (pos.distance)
  i deg (n) Galaxy inclination (src)
  phi deg (n) Orientation of radio sightline with respect to galaxy's major axis (phys.angSize;
  l_Itdv3s (char) [≤ ] Limit flag on Itdv3s (meta.code.error)
  Itdv3s km/s 3σ upper limit on integrated HI 21-cm optical depth from spectra smoothed to 10km/s (phys.absorption.opticalDepth)
  Itdv km/s (n) Integrated HI 21-cm optical depth in the case of detections at the observed spectral resolution (phys.absorption.opticalDepth)
  n_Itdv (char) [b] Note on Itdv (Note 1)   (meta.note)
  Ref  Reference for the HI 21-cm optical depth measurements (Note 2)   (meta.ref;phys.absorption.opticalDepth)

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