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  SC4K catalogue of candidate LAEs (Sobral+, 2018)
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1.J/MNRAS/476/4725/tablec1The global Lyα luminosity function and for each of the medium0band filters in SC4K/this study (158 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Sample (char) Sample (Sample) (src.sample)
  logLumbin [10-7W] Lymanα luminosity (logLumbin) (phys.luminosity;em.UV)
  e_logLumbin [10-7W] Lymanα luminosity error (delta_bin) (stat.error)
  Counts ct Observed number of source (Counts) (meta.number)
  e_Counts ct rms uncertainty on Counts (Counts_err) (stat.error;phot.count)
  Phiobs Mpc-3 Observed number density (Phi_obs) (;meta.main)
  E_Phiobs Mpc-3 Error on Phiobs (upper value) (Phiobserr_up) (stat.error;stat.max)
  e_Phiobs Mpc-3 Error on Phiobs (lower value) (Phiobserr_down) (stat.error)
  E_Phiobspert Mpc-3 Observed+perturbed number density (Phiobsperterrup) (stat.error;stat.max)
  e_Phiobspert Mpc-3 Error+perturbed on Phiobspert (upper value) (Phiobsperterrdown) (stat.error)
  Phiobscomp Mpc-3 Completeness corrected number density (Phiobscomp) (meta.number;phys.density)
  E_Phiobscomp Mpc-3 Error on Phiobscomp (upper value) (Phiobscomperrup) (stat.error;stat.max)
  e_Phiobscomp Mpc-3 Error on Phiobscomp (lower value) (Phiobscomperrdown) (stat.error)
  Phifinal Mpc-3 Final number density(Phi_final) (
  E_Phi Mpc-3 Error on Phi (upper value) (Phierrup) (stat.error;stat.max)
  e_Phi Mpc-3 Error on Phi (lower value) (Phierrdown) (stat.error)
  E_Phifinal Mpc-3 Error on Phifinal (upper value) (Phifinalerr_up) (stat.error;stat.max)
  e_Phifinal Mpc-3 Error on Phifinal (lower value) (Phifinalerr_down) (stat.error)

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