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  JINGLE V Dust properties of nearby galaxies (Lamperti+, 2019)
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1.J/MNRAS/489/4389/tablee4Results of the analysis of the correlation between dust emissivity index β and combinations of other galaxy properties (35 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Nparam   [2/3] Number of parameters considered for the correlation analysis between β and other properties (meta.number)
  alogM*  (n) Multiplicative coefficient for logM* of the best polynomial expression to estimate β (Note 1)   (
  e_alogM*  (n) Error on alogM* (stat.error)
  alogSFR  (n) Multiplicative coefficient for logSFR of the best polynomial expression to estimate β (Note 1)   (
  e_alogSFR  (n) Error on alogSFR (stat.error)
  alogarea  (n) Multiplicative coefficient for logarea of the best polynomial expression to estimate β (Note 1)   (
  e_alogarea  (n) Error on alogarea (stat.error)
  ametal  (n) Multiplicative coefficient for 12+log(O/H) of the best polynomial expression to estimate β (Note 1)   (
  e_ametal  (n) Error on ametal (stat.error)
  alogMd  (n) Multiplicative coefficient for logMdust of the best polynomial expression to estimate β (Note 1)   (
  e_alogMd  (n) Error on alogMd (stat.error)
  alogMHI  (n) Multiplicative coefficient for logMHI of the best polynomial expression to estimate β (Note 1)   (
  e_alogMHI  (n) Error on alogMHI (stat.error)
  inter  Intercept of the best polynomial expression to estimate β (parameter b) (Note 1)   (
  e_inter  Error on inter (stat.error)
  BIC  Bayesian Information Criterion (Schwarz, 1978AnSta...6..461S) (Note G1)   (
  R  Pearson correlation coefficient (stat.correlation)

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