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  Young radio AGNs study based on SDSS spectroscopy (Liao+, 2020)
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1.J/MNRAS/491/92/table4Radio and spectroscopic classification (39 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Name (char) Object name ( (;meta.main)
  Type (char) Object type (Note 1)   (src.class)
  Class (char) [GQ] Source classification (Note 2)   (meta.code.class)
  S/N  Median signal to noise ratio of the spectrum (em.wl.central;stat.median)
  FHbeta 10-20W/m2Flux for Hβ (Note 3)   (phot.flux)
  F[OIII] 10-20W/m2Flux for [OIII] (Note 3)   (phot.flux)
  F[OI] 10-20W/m2Flux for [OI] (Note 3)   (phot.flux)
  FHalpha 10-20W/m2Flux for Hα (Note 3)   (phot.flux)
  F[NII] 10-20W/m2Flux for [NII] (Note 3)   (phot.flux)
  F[SII]1 10-20W/m2Flux for [SII]λ6717 (Note 3)   (phot.flux)
  F[SII]2 10-20W/m2Flux for [SII]λ6731 (Note 3)   (phot.flux)
  EI  Excitation index (Note 4)   (spect.index)
  HEG/LEG (char) HEG and LEG classification based on EI index (Note 5)   (meta.code.class)
  logRedd [-] Logarithm of the Eddington ratio (Redd=Lbol/Ledd) (phys.luminosity;arith.ratio)
  opttype (char) Optical classification based on the existence of the broad lines (Note 6)   (meta.code.class)
  f_opttype (char) [ab] Flag on opttype (Note 7)   (meta.code)

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