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5 catalogs found
  Double-component model fitting of elliptical gal. (Oh+, 2017)
    J/ApJ/836/115/table3(c)Structural parameters of bestfit models (838 rows)
  Bulge+disk decompositions of SDSS galaxies (Simard+, 2011)
    J/ApJS/196/11/table1(c)SDSS structural parameters from n=4 bulge+disk decompositions (1123718 rows)
    J/ApJS/196/11/table2(c)SDSS structural parameters from free nb bulge+disk decompositions (1123718 rows)
    J/ApJS/196/11/table3(c)SDSS structural parameters from pure Sersic decompositions (1123718 rows)
  galaxies 2D phot. decompositions in SDSS-DR7 (Meert+, 2015)
    J/MNRAS/446/3943/catalog(c)General Catalog Data (band-independent data used in fitting and analysis) (670722 rows)
  Gal. 2D phot. decompositions in r, g & i bands (Meert+, 2016)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/catalog(c)General catalog data (band-independent data) (UPennPhotDecCAST) (original column names in green)[spectrum] (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/modelgBest model Table in g band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/modelgdevModel Dev Table in g band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/modelgserModel Ser Table in g band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/modgdevexpModel DevExp Table in g band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/modgserexpModel SerExp Table in g band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/modelrBest model Table in r band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/modelrdevModel Dev Table in r band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/modelrserModel Ser Table in r band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/modrdevexpModel DevExp Table in r band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/modrserexpModel SerExp Table in r band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/modeliBest model Table in i band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/modelidevModel Dev Table in i band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/modeliserModel Ser Table in i band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/modidevexpModel DevExp Table in i band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/modiserexpModel SerExp Table in i band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/nonparamgModel-independent measurements fitted by PyMorph in g band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/nonparamrModel-independent measurements fitted by PyMorph in r band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
    J/MNRAS/455/2440/nonparamiModel-independent measurements fitted by PyMorph in i band (original column names in green) (670722 rows)
  Dwarf galaxies. Structural properties (Lazar+, 2024)
    J/MNRAS/533/3771/struct-p(c)Structural properties of our dwarf sample (1055 rows)

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
elapse time 1

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