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4 catalogs found
  Galactic center early-type stars catalog (Grosboel, 2016)
    J/A+A/585/A141/ets_tgc(c)Catalog of early-type stars toward the Galactic center (12675 rows)
  Unclassified B[e] stars in the MW, SMC and LMC (Condori+, 2019)
    J/MNRAS/488/1090/table1(c)Our sample of unclassified B[e] stars and candidates observed with FEROS (30 rows)
    J/MNRAS/488/1090/table2(c)Photometric data of our sample collected from the literature (27 rows)
    J/MNRAS/488/1090/table3(c)The radial velocity of stars from our sample that do not present sensible spectral variability or for which we have just one spectrum (14 rows)
    J/MNRAS/488/1090/table4(c)Radial velocities, derived from permitted absorption and forbidden emission lines, for the objects with strong variability (13 rows)
    J/MNRAS/488/1090/table5a(c)Spectral type, luminosity class, intrinsic color index, and effective temperature for some stars of our sample, obtained using method 1 (9 rows)
    J/MNRAS/488/1090/table5b(c)Spectral type, intrinsic color index, and effective temperature for some stars of our sample, obtained using method 2 (7 rows)
    J/MNRAS/488/1090/table5c(c)Effective temperature for some stars of our sample, obtained using method 3 (3 rows)
    J/MNRAS/488/1090/table6(c)Interstellar, circumstellar, and total color excess, E(B-V), and visual interstellar extinction, AV, for the objects of our sample (12 rows)
    J/MNRAS/488/1090/table7(c)Velocities needed for fitting the line profiles for the stars with both [OI] and [CaII] forbidden lines (5 rows)
    J/MNRAS/488/1090/table8(c)Velocities needed for fitting the line profiles for the stars with only the [OI] forbidden lines (16 rows)
    J/MNRAS/488/1090/table9(c)Physical parameters of the stars of our sample (11 rows)
  Optical spectroscopy of classical Be stars (Banerjee+, 2021)
    J/MNRAS/500/3926/table1(c)List of our program CBe stars and the log of observations (138 rows)
    J/MNRAS/500/3926/table2(c)Our adopted distance for 83 of our sample stars whose parallax values are available in Gaia DR2 and their re-estimated AV values (83 rows)
    J/MNRAS/500/3926/table3(c)List of 35 of our program stars for which AV values are adopted from the literature (35 rows)
    J/MNRAS/500/3926/table4(c)Estimated Balmer decrements, D34 and D54 for our program stars (115 rows)
  Stellar parameters study with SED fit algo (Vines+, 2022)
    J/MNRAS/513/2719/table3(c)Selected stars with stellar properties and their respective references (135 rows)
    J/MNRAS/513/2719/table4Apparent magnitudes of the selected stars (135 rows)
    J/MNRAS/513/2719/table5ARIADNE outputs results for our selected stars sample (135 rows)
    J/MNRAS/513/2719/refsReferences of the selected stars (52 rows)

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
elapse time 1

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