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2 catalogs found
  All-sky spectrally matched Tycho2 stars (Pickles+, 2010)
    VI/135/table6[LibMags] Magnitudes computed by the Synphot <λ.F(λ)> method (Filter summary) (141 rows)
    VI/135/table7(c)[LandoltCat] Landolt catalog fits with 8 L2M filter bands (Landolt's UBVRI and 2MASS JHKs) for 594 stars (Filter summary) (594 rows)
    VI/135/table8(c)[LandoltFit] UBVRI Photometric Standard Stars Around The Celestial Equator (Filter summary) (594 rows)
    VI/135/table9(c)[SloanCat] The u'g'r'i'z' standard star network: calibrated magnitudes and colors (Table 8 of Smith et al. 2002AJ....123.2121S) (Filter summary) (158 rows)
    VI/135/table10(c)[SloanFit] Sloan Catalog fits with 8 S2M filter bands (SDSS ugriz and 2MASS JHKs) (Filter summary) (158 rows)
    VI/135/table11(c)[LanSloCat] Landolt/Sloan stars with UKIRT ZvYv, JHKmko, 2MASS JHK2, Tycho2 BtVt, PM & Rn (Filter summary) (65 rows)
    VI/135/table12Landolt fits with Sloan, 2MASS, Tycho2 (131 rows)
    VI/135/table13(c)[SDSSPTFit.dat] SDSS-PT (USNO Photometric telescope) catalog fit (Filter summary) (1042562 rows)
    VI/135/table14(c)[SDSSSouthFit] The u'g'r'i'z' Southern Hemisphere Standard Star Network, Smith et al., 2005, BAAS, 37, 1379 (Filter summary) (15673 rows)
    VI/135/table15(c)[Tycho2Fit.dat] Tycho2 catalog fit (Filter summary) (2429446 rows)
    VI/135/table16(c)[DR7Fit.dat] DR7 stars to g<16 from (Filter summary) (4854094 rows)
  Optical and ultraviolet photometry of SN 2012fr (Zhang+, 2014)
    J/AJ/148/1/table2BVRI photometry of SN 2012fr from the Li-Jiang 2.4m Telescope (LJT) and Yunnan Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera (YFOSC) [timeSerie](light curve) (11 rows)
    J/AJ/148/1/table3Swift UVOT photometry of SN 2012fr [timeSerie](light curve) (61 rows)
    J/AJ/148/1/table5Magnitudes of the spectrophotometry of SN 2012fr [timeSerie](light curve) (19 rows)

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
elapse time 1

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